Journal 11/15/1983
P1 Sun Hotel opens The Marshalls Sun Corporation Hotel and Restaurant began operations this past week with a soft opening. The 35-unit one-story hotel already has six occupants and the restaurant has been presenting an excellent quality Japanese-style fare prepared by chief cook Koichi Oishi and his assistant Shuichi Ishizawa.
P9 Chemical plant for Johnston Island The Department of the Army today submitted to Federal and State regulatory reviewing agencies and interested environmental groups the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed construction and operation of a large-scale chemical demilitarization facility at Johnson Atoll in the Pacific.
Journal 11/17/1995
P1 Next Monday This is it, the big time. Come next Monday and the future Nitijela will be voted into office by the electorate of this water nation of coffee cluchers. While the rest of the world wrestles with the potential concept of democracy, and savage countries like Nigeria blithely hang opposition members, the Marshalls is blessed with a peaceful, laid-back electoral process and public candidates vying openly for votes. It is a once every four years hub hub, a frantic time (by lagoon creature standards) during which various candidates can be seen prowling the coffee houses and public thoroughfares attempting to get a feel of what’s happening and hoping to make the right smile, right comment, wear the right tie, to favorably impress a potential voters from his or her atoll. This election is pretty blah. What happened to the RRDP? Emõñañe men ne? Rowdy drives through town with horns blaring? Has our political life come to mirror the economic malaise? It really boils down, for the most part, to interested observers hoping so and so won’t get elected because “I can’t stand him! (or her!).” Issues? Nothing touted as a “defining moment.” The new guys shooting for a slot say, Give me a chance, maybe I can do better.” The entrenched guys argue for continuity or the fact that they have a position of influence which works for the benefit of their local constituents.
P20 Majuro Cooperative School honor roll Seventh grade: Nikki Hussey, Jason Jaramiel, Emma Kabua, Fintan Murphy, Honitha Relang, Marlene Bukida, Tauki Korean and Melinta Andrike; Eighth grade: Nuri Hwang, Noah Konelios, Wendell Bukida, Jeremy Myazoe, Norman Kemem, Dayna Tibon and John Pinano.
Journal 11/17/2006
P2 Newin’s 105 great years in Marshalls Newin Taibun celebrated her 105th birthday on Wednesday this week in Majuro. The Jenrok resident recalled attending the Protestant Mission School on Jabor, Jaluit during the German administration of the Marshall Islands that ended in 1915. Asked by the Journal what has helped her to live a long life, she replied emphatically: “I obeyed my mother and father!”
P10 I think I’m pregnant A young Ebeye women came to see visiting Taiwan doctors for a check up because she thought she was pregnant. The visible evidence supported this: she had a large tummy. But, no eyeballs or heart beat or other vital organs appeared on the ultrasound scan. The doctors kind of hurried her into the operating room to take out the “baby.” The baby turned out to be an 18-pound tumor. That was probably the fastest weight loss program ever in RMI history. Fortunately, the tumor was not cancerous.
P32 No school The Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO) reports that in part of Rairok and all of Batkan, fewer than 50 percent of 15 to 18 year old kids are enrolled in school. Meanwhile, in the Alwal area of Rita, over 85 percent of the same age group is enrolled.