50 cents for first tipster

Front pages from 1982, 1992 and 2011.

Journal 1/26/1982

P1 DUD Council sues to block single Majuro council
A hearing was held January 22 on a suit filed by the DUD municipal council seeking a preliminary injunction to block a Cabinet order of last August giving the DUD and Majuro (Laura) municipal councils six months to form a single new municipality. DUD’s attorney, Charles Novo-Gradic, said DUD sought to have a referendum on the matter.

P7 Ebb and flow
Carl Ingram has moved from the Attorney General’s office and is now legal consultant to the Cabinet. Frank Jerome who set up the Tobolar Copra Processing Plant is visiting Majuro. His advice: Think basic. The dinner given by the Chinese Ag Mission in Laura on Sunday in honor of Chinese New Year was a big success. Mobil Micronesia General Manager Bart Gill and Marketing Director Lucky Tarkong visited Majuro last week. While British Petroleum may have the deal wrapped up for fuel for the new power plant, Mobil plans to stick around and be competitive. According to Sam Lanwi, as many as 20 phone calls are made to his home phone nightly wherein the caller does nothing but curse into the phone. Sam says he knows of other people with phones who have the same problem. Can something be done about it? We hope so. It betrays a very sick mind at work.

P7 Newstip 50¢ for first tipster
If you see it happen, before you assist the wounded, before you rush off to the police, before you even faint — call 3251, the Journal, and let us know.

Journal 2/15/1992

P1 Ebeye women draft letter to president
Over 500 Ebeye women have written to President Amata Kabua seeking assistance in overcoming what they claim is an epidemic of suicides due to lax and improper enforcement of drinking regulations on Ebeye. The signatories feel that recent legislation passed by Nitijela is the root source of the problem. It voided a stiff Ebeye ordinance that severely restricted access to alcohol, by persons under 21 years of age. In the three month period October to December, seven young men attempted suicide. Six died as a result of their actions but one managed to survive. Of the seven, six were drunk at the time.

Journal 2/11/2011

P1 Busted buses close high school
For months, most students at Kwajalein Atoll High School have been going to night school at Ebeye Elementary School campus because two of the high school’s three buses have been broken despite the Ministry of Education having a budget in excess of $22 million this year. While Ministry of Education officials on Ebeye said there are no problems with high school students using the public elementary facilities from 3-8pm daily, others are pointing out problems with the evening classes. The two buses lack fuel and oil filters. The filters ordered by the ministry arrived last week but did not fit the engines so ministry officials had to re-order a new set of filters.

P15 Big-little canoe
A ‘transformer’ canoe is due to be launched Friday, with creators Ken Taggart and Mentil Laik explaining that the vessel is made of three hull pieces, which means the boat can be transformed from a 24-foot craft to one that’s just 16 feet. The newest canoe to be built at Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) is primarily constructed from plywood, with some fiberglass and mahogany woven in to the design. It also differs from the traditional design in that it has a metal mast that will sit perpendicular to the hull and a modern fixture for the main sail’s sheet.


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