Abandoned capital to be demolished

The derelict and vandalized capital building will be demolished during February by Pacific International Inc. Photo: Kelly Lorennij.

The aging RMI capital building is scheduled to be demolished starting at the beginning of next month. This is the first step toward the building of a new capital facility for the RMI government.

“We’re targeting the first week of February to start demolition works at the Capital Building,” said Pacific International Inc.’s Senior Project Manager Bobby Muller this week.

“There’s been a delay due to the late arrival of our long-reach excavator. It can only be carried on Kyowa’s roll-on/roll-off vessel but the operator uses this specialty vessel less frequently now.”

The arrival of the demolition equipment is now estimated for the end of this month, he said.

People driving or walking by the capital complex over the next few weeks will see PII setting up safety fencing around the perimeter and mobilizing for ongoing site operations, he said.

The capital building was originally opened for use in August 1993. By 2008, however, occupants of the fourth floor, including the President’s Office and Council of Irooj, had moved to the second floor of the ICC next door, where they remain till this day.

The building has been vacant for close to 15 years, except for an office/work area for Public Work staff on the ground floor.


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