AMI service to Honolulu?

Front pages from 1986, 1998 and 2009.

Journal 8/29/1986

P1 Carmen leaving for Honolulu post Carmen Bigler will add another key position to her growing portfolio of government positions when she takes over as chief of RepMar’s Honolulu Liaison Office. Bigger has been Secretary of Interior and Outer Islands Affairs since 1981.

P16 Bill’s fish It wasn’t the luckiest year for the Marshalls Billfish Club at Kona, but they still managed to catch a couple of big ones in the Hawaii International Billfish Tournament. Wally Milne hauled in a 140 pound marlin and Bill Graham caught a 130 pounder. Also on the team:Victor Milne, Tony deBrum and Rick Bush.

Journal 8/28/1998

P1 Roberts honored with UK Consul-Agent post A new diplomatic assignment has been made for the Marshall Islands, giving general manager of the Marshalls Energy Company Billy Roberts the official title of Consul-Agent, representing the British Embassy. Roberts has lived in the Marshall Islands since the early 1980s, turning MEC into a power company that many have called model of excellence in the Pacific region.

P2 Big fish are biting Bwiji Aliven got a head start on the President’s Cup race for 1999 by reeling in a 407 pound marlin during the Marshalls Billfish Club’s tournament earlier this month. That should be good news for off-island angels who arrive in Majuro Monday night next week for the sixth annual Mobil All-Micronesia Fishing Tournament. The “AllMike” is Micronesia’s longest running and most prestigious regional fishing tournament, annually bringing together teams in this region.

P13 Second in nationals This Costa Mesa basketball club team of fifth and sixth graders took second place at the Youth Basketball of American National Championships in Orlando, Florida last month. They beat teams fromNorth Carolina, Ohio and other states before falling to Pacific Palisades (a team they had beaten in the regionals) in the final. The includes four Marshallese. Tricia Wase was named to the all-tournament team and Georgina John won the tournament’s “all-hustle” award.

P16 Are you aware? Air Marshal Islands is discussing with both Air Nauru and Air Pacific possible air service that would link Majuro with Honolulu.

Journal 8/28/2009

P1 VIPs tour loining plant President Litokwa Tomeing led a delegation of VIPs who made their first tour of the Pan Pacific Foods (RMI) Inc.facilities last Friday and observed first hand as 400 Marshallese worked through their shift lining tuna for the US market. “Impressive” was the word of choice President Tomeing used to summarize his tour.

P12 Women power Guam Legislature Speaker Judith Won Pat exhorted Marshall Islands women to run for public office and get involved in seeking solutions to problems their islands in a speech to the annual conference of the country’s national women’s group, WUTMI. “You can sit at homeland complain or get involved in creating solutions,” she said.

P22 WAM’s latest voyaging test Waan Aelon in Majel is about to embark on a voyage that’s been two decades in the making. From its humble beginning as Waan Aelon Kein in the late 1980s, a program under Alele Museum that focused on documenting the building of major canoe designs of the Marshall Islands, the revived and renamed Waan Aelon in Majel canoe program is on the verge of navigating through its first inter-atoll sailing expedition on board the 36-foot NationalTraining Center-funded tipñol “Jitdam Kapeel.” Leading the expedition are Ri-Meto (master navigators) Thomas Bokin, Korent Joel and Isao Eknilang. Anthropologist Dr. Joe Genz, who worked with WAM from2005-2007 to document wave patterns, currents and traditional navigation skills, returned this month to join the Jitdam Kapeel crew on their maiden inter-atoll voyage. The voyage will be a floating classroom with master navigators showing the young sailors how to feel their way across 60 miles of open ocean from Majuro to Our Atoll and back again.


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