Army waives diploma rule

Many students at Kwajalein Atoll High School, including these seniors, took the US military entrance exam known as the ASVAB earlier this year.


No high school diploma? No problem. Uncle Sam needs you.
The US Army announced last week a new policy dropping the requirement of a high school diploma and or GED certificate as part of its educational requirements for potential enlistees.

The announcement was made last Thursday in response to a drastic drop in recruits affecting the entire US Department of Defense, according to the news release last Friday.

There’s a catch though: potential recruits must score 50 percent or higher on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test and be ready to ship out within this year and are 18 years or older.

The new deal expires October 1. The drop educational requirement only applies to the US Army.

Earlier this year, over 500 students on Majuro and Ebeye took the ASVAB test.
There is a non-student version of the ASVAB test that must be administered by Armed Forces Recruiters who work full time as recruiters.

The test administered earlier this year at Majuro and Kwajalein atolls was designed for students, according to SSG Gary Likiak, one of the Army recruiters handling the tests in RMI this year.


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