Arno mayor told to ‘cease and desist’

An MOHHS worker sprays mosquito poison on the ground in Rita.

The mayor of Arno Atoll was issued a “cease and desist”
warning by the RMI Attorney General’s office for allegedly violating the travel
ban to the outer islands during the dengue outbreak.

A cease and desist order was delivered to Mayor Bernard
Chong Gum last week based on a report that a boat under his control “left
Majuro lagoon and deposited passengers on Arno Atoll in violation of the travel

The notice from the RMI Attorney General said it was issued
at the direction of the Secretary of Health.

It said the mayor was required to comply with the travel
advisory banning passenger movement to the outer islands based on the
Cabinet-approved State of Health Emergency declaration that was renewed earlier
this month until November 2.

Read more of this story and related articles in the Marshall Islands Journal’s October 25, 2019 edition. Subscribe by going to the home page and clicking on the subscribe advertisement.


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