Aussies back women’s meeting

At the grant signing ceremony, from left: Australian Embassy DCM Caroline Reid, Ambassador Paul Wilson, WUTMI Director Danyia Note, Minister Wisely Zackhras, Acting Secretary CIA Antari Elbon, and Australian Embassy’s Save Filolita.

The Marshall Islands is receiving a boost from Australia for hosting an important regional women’s conference in Majuro in late July.

Australia is providing $100,000 to the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs (MOCIA) and Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) to support WUTMI’s participation at the upcoming Triennial Conference of Pacific Women – scheduled to be held in Majuro from 22-24 July.

The agreement signed last Friday recognizes the vital importance of ensuring RMI’s women are represented among the decision-makers, development partners, research institutions and civil society organizations that will be attending from across the Pacific. The funding will assist women’s community leaders from 26 of the RMI’s atolls and remote communities to travel to Majuro to attend the conference – ensuring they are a key part of the regional effort to accelerate progress towards gender equality in the Pacific.

The funding will also enable WUTMI to hold a post-triennial planning conference and develop their strategy for applying the triennial’s outcomes in RMI.

The signing ceremony was attended by Acting Minister of Culture and Internal Affairs Wisely Zackhras, the Director of WUTMI Danyia Note, and Acting Secretary of MOCIA Antari Elbon.


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