Five Marshallese have been awarded scholarships by the Australian government. Two are scheduled to study in Australia and three will attend universities in Fiji.
“Scholarships are an important part of Australia’s commitment to the long term development of the Marshall Islands,” said Australian Ambassador Brek Batley in announcing the scholarships. “We want the scholars to come back to share their knowledge and help build the country.”
The scholarship awardees, who are notably all women:
• Anastasia Dujmovic, University of Sydney Australia, Master of Project Management.
• Joy Ratidara, Universty of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus (Suva), Marine Management.
• Dr. Tessie Briand, Fiji National University, Post Graduate and Diploma in Public Health.
• Rachel Bigler, an Australian university (to be named), Masters in Public Health.
• Debbie Schutz, University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus (Suva), International Business and Marketing, Minor in Management and Public Administration.
“This year by chance we have five incredible women,” said Batley. “We hope to see more talented men and women apply for our next round of scholarship, which opens in February. These are life changing moments for the scholars but also help strengthen our Pacific bamle.”