Australia’s reliable ship

Crew members, Australian Embassy representatives and local residents on board the Australian naval vessel Reliant in Port Majuro. Photo: Hilary Hosia.
Crew members, Australian Embassy representatives and local residents on board the Australian naval vessel Reliant in Port Majuro. Photo: Hilary Hosia.


Australian Defense Vessel Reliant spent a few days in Port Majuro last week, offering tours to government officials and local residents.
The vessel crew said it is keen on assisting in the upcoming 2024 Micronesian Games but only if requested by the Marshall Islands.

The possibility of Reliant’s involvement in the summer games is one of many humanitarian services available to Marshall Islands. The vessel is designed to act as a first responder during emergencies with a multitude of assets onboard, including landing crafts, multiple vehicles, containers full of clothes, food and medical supplies, and other equipment.

And in the case of a total communications blackout due to typhoons or larger natural disasters, the boat can transmit photos and communicate with the outside world using its built-in communications system. The ship has two Starlink communications systems.

Reliant proves to be worthy of its own name because it does not use any resource from its host county: it produces its own freshwater supply, has sufficient fuel and food to last several months at sea. The vessel even incinerates its own rubbish.

Reliant is contracted to be at sea 300 days of the year. The vessel is mission-ready throughout its voyage in the vast Pacific with a hybrid crew of military and civilian contractors.

Reliant has an helipad to be used during emergency transports and has the capability to provide immediate medical care with its professional paramedic onboard.

Reliant can also be used to transport freshwater to the outer islands during droughts. Again, at the request of the Marshall Islands’ government.

“If it can be containerized, we can move it,” the crew said last week.


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