Journal 4/24/1987
P18 Youth Options
Over a dozen young boys are taking a brush up course in elementary English and math at the Private Industry Council/Marshalls Community Action Agency Youth Options Center in Uliga. After school in the morning, the boys are learning the fine art of net mending from instructor Ring Nook. This is just one of many programs sponsored by the Private Industry Council. Sewing classes, restaurant training, computer classes and more are available at the Youth Center.

Journal 4/23/1999
P1 Biggest Bikini news since bombs
What could be more riveting than being five feet from the open jaws of a shark as it rips into its prey? How about being in the midst of 50 sharks in a feeding frenzy? That’s just one of the pictures that Al Giddings, who filmed the underwater scenes in such Hollywood spectaculars as Titanic and The Deep, plans to serve up to tens of millions of viewers later this year from isolated Bikini Atoll. Giddings and the Discovery Channel are preparing to give a worldwide television audience a close-up view of sharks and shipwrecks in Bikini.
P1 RMI finally gets it
The Marshall Islands has missed out on many sports training, scholarship and technical assistance opportunities since the mid-1990s for lack of communication with international athletic organizations, a top Australian sports official said in Majuro earlier this week. But, added Australian Sport Program 2000 coordinator Brian Minikin, the sports picture in the Marshall Islands is noticeably improved. In the North Pacific, Palau and the FSM have made good use of regional sports aid — the FSM is already an Olympic member and Palau is well on its way, he said.
P1 Dr. Marie at your service
Marie Lanwi is now fully licensed as a medical officer, after she passed her internship examination before a panel of three doctors, including one from Pohnpei.
P14 Awards presented to first Games participants
The older generation sporting crowd got a well-deserved pat on the back last Friday at an awards ceremony sponsored by the Marshall Islands Sports Council. Honored guests who were given awards included President Imata Kabua, Oscar deBrum, Charles Abraham, Kirtly Pinho, Fountain Inok, Hideo Milne, Keinta Anitok, and Norio Kabinli. All of these athletes participated in the first Micronesian Games in 1969 or have been long-time athletes and coaches in the Marshall Islands.
Journal 4/23/2010
P2 Hawks 7-0 league win
Team Hawks won the championship for 2010 CMI Veterans Basketball League last weekend. The team went undefeated throughout the league. It took the regular round-robin with a record of 7-0, remained unbeaten in the best of three first round playoff, and was successful in the best of five championship series. Cyclers took second place and MISSA finished third. Hawks players: Rantly Kattil, Kenson Alik, Eliki Tiko, Junior Abraham, Kenja Jibon, Mattur Muller, Alex Maine, Albers Alik, Witon Barry, Paul Kattil, Junior Joseph and David Paul. Coach Ivy Shoniber.
P3 The long hard road to Majuro
How far is Nauru as a bird flies? About 400 miles. But a Nauru group coming to Majuro for this week’s PNA meeting enjoyed a ‘circle Pacific’ tour after their plane unexpectedly landed in Majuro but they were not allowed off the flight. The Nauruans expected route to get to Majuro was to fly Nauru to Tarawa, and then south to Fiji on Our Airlines. Then transfer to Continental to make the flight back north to Guam. Rest a few hours at the airport and board the 10-hour Island Hopper to Majuro. That’s a net of 4,500 miles for two islands located 400 miles apart. More interesting is that a weather condition prevented Our Airline from landing in Tarawa, as planned, forcing it to divert to Majuro. Their lucky day? Not so. They couldn’t deplane as Marshall Islands Immigration rules require the Attorney General to give the okay for people to get off a plane in such situations as this diversion when it does not follow their ticketed itinerary. Unable to deplane, hopes dashed by their Majuro cousins, the Nauruans piled up their miles, finally making it back to Majuro 48 hours later.