Bikini’s last hope effort

Front pages from 1986, 1998 and 2009.

Journal 11/7/1986
P1 RepMar invests $150m fund
The $150 million nuclear claims fund was turned over to RepMar by the US government last week and deposited into an account with the Irving Trust Company over the weekend.
P3 Palau voting again
Palauans will vote by December 15 on a pact that would allow the United States to operate nuclear-propelled and armed vessels and aircraft within its waters and air space. The plebiscite would be the second this year and the fourth since 1983 on a proposed Compact of Free Association with the US. Palau’s constitution prohibits nuclear weapons.
P5 Negotiators happy with fish deal
October was a good month for concluding agreements, with the Compact coming into being and the Pacific Islands-US fishing treaty talks completed. Foreign Secretary Steve Muller and Assistant Attorney General John Howard returned from the Tonga talks saying the days of the renegade US tuna pirate are over.
P12 Praised asked for Mejit
A request for Nitijela to convey special recognition on the outstanding performance of the Mejit public elementary school staff was introduced by Senator Report Emmius this week. Resolution 74 asks Nitijela to recognize Principal Aneo Keju, teachers Nang Nang, Kathy Nang, Tataji Jieta, Joremeiah Tube, Edison Gideon and Telmong Emmius for the outstanding service they have performed. Mejit has the best record in the Marshalls for its students passing the high school entrance tests.
P15 Schools fee press of population
The population explosion comes down to earth in Majuro and Ebeye elementary schools where overcrowding forces students to attend school in shifts. At Delap and Rita Elementary schools it is standard to have 45 or more students in a class with just one teacher. The DES second grade class has 52 students.

Journal 11/6/1998
P12 Soccer grows in popularity as Majuro, Kwajalein play off
The first inter-atoll soccer competition in the Marshall Islands pitted a Kwajalein team against several teams from Majuro last month at Laura field in Majuro. The first match was with visiting Kwajalein soccer team and Weather Station United. The field was well groomed courtesy of Terry Sasser and Laura grounds people.
P16 Bwiji takes big cup lead
Angler Bwiji Aliven increased his commanding lead in the President’s Cup race by winning Saturday’s total qualifying pounds billfish tournament with a 268 pound marlin. Bwiji has 1,182 points. Next is Alex Bing with 606.

Journal 11/6/2009
P1 Bikini’s last hope
The Bikinians filed an appeal with the US Supreme Court last week, asking America’s highest court to reverse the dismissal of its more than $563 million claim for compensation. But even Bikini attorney Jonathan Weisgall is pessimistic about the chances of a hearing in the Supreme Court.
P5 Jurelang wants action
New Marshall Islands President Jurelang Zedkaia called for Nitijela members to put political divisions behind them and work for the benefit of the country during his inauguration ceremony Monday. The Nitijela chamber was packed as it had been for the motion of no confidence and the vote two weeks ago. But the mood was entirely different with both Zedkaia and new Speaker Alvin Jacklick calling for unity and action.
P12 Francis Reimers’ new getaway
RMI’s newest getaway was blessed on Saturday, with the opening of Francis Reimers’ duplex, which will complement the existing bed and breakfast guesthouse on Arno Atoll.


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