By Journal on February 27, 2025
Alexander Milne, Anna deBrum, April Zepty, Bravo bomb, Chellyn Jelke, Chris Joseph, David Antolok, Ermilalynn Moncure, Flora Battery, Henritha Balance, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jamda Loeak, Jenai Jorbon, Jolita Peter, Junior Kare, Luytalynn Jeto, Majuro Middle School, Malani Michael, Nathaniel Kaneko, Neina Ned, Rita Elementary School, Samuel Timison

HILARY HOSIA The International Conference Center showcased exceptional works of art and student creativity during the Social Citizenship and Education/Science Fair on Tuesday. It was refreshing to see young students glued in while Chellynn Jelke from Rita Elementary School explained how pollution affects the community. The sixth grader was animated and well-versed in her topic […]
By Journal on February 27, 2025
Elina Akinaga, FSM, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Jelta Wong, Leban Gisawa, Matthew Chigiyal, Noan Pakop, Pacific Island Tuna, Papua New Guinea, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, RMI, Tony Muller, Vessel Day Scheme, Walmart, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission

GIFF JOHNSON For decades, the Marshall Islands and other Pacific Islands struggled with how to generate more revenue from the commercial tuna industry. Now, a three-nation agreement signed Monday in Honiara, Solomon Islands, could be the latest game-changer for Pacific fisheries cooperation. Beginning in the 1980s, island nations for the first time began selling licenses […]
By Journal on February 20, 2025
AC Construction, Alfred Alfred Jr., Amata Kabua International Airport, Damien Jacklick, Hilary Hosia, James Myazoe II, Majuro drainage system, World Bank

HILARY HOSIA A massive project to fix the drainage system in Majuro is underway following a groundbreaking ceremony in Rita on Tuesday this week. Local company AC Construction has been awarded the contract for the project, which is projected to take 140 days to complete. The work will be concentrated on the drainage system on […]
By Journal on August 29, 2024
Joint Interagency Task Force-West, Majuro Atoll Local Government Police, Marshall Islands Police Department, Marshall Islands Resort, Narcotics Investigation Course, US Drug Enforcement Administration, US Indo-Pacific Command, US Postal Inspection Service

Law enforcement agencies in the Marshall Islands participated in a Narcotics Investigation Course from August 12-16. The course was designed to equip officers with the knowledge and skills to combat drug trafficking and keep our communities safe. It was led by experts from the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the US Postal Inspection Service […]
By Journal on October 20, 2022
Delap Elementary School, Esther Zedkeia, Noah Noah, Public School System

HILARY HOSIA “No child left behind” has always been a slogan for the education ministry. In the case of Delap Elementary School (DES), hundreds of schoolchildren are left behind because their school has been locked shut by the landowner. The reason for the gate lockdown: The RMI Public School System (PSS) owes the landowners money. […]
By Journal on March 24, 2022
Casten Nemra, Chou Mei-wu, David Kabua, David T. Lee, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, Hsu Szu-chien, Icyang Parod, Jasmine Hsiao, Jeffrey SC Hsiao, Joe Bejang, Joseph Wu, Koo Kwang-ming, Lai Ching-te, Mary Bejang, Neijon Rema Edwards, Taiwan, Taiwan-Marshall Islands Adaptation and Contingency Fund for Climate Change, Terry Nemra, Wellington Koo

President David Kabua and a delegation left the Marshall Islands Monday afternoon on a Taiwan government-chartered flight to Taipei to launch a five-day state visit. The state visit, at the invitation of the Taiwan government, will run through March 25. This is the President’s first state visit to Taiwan since taking office in 2020. Accompanied […]
By Journal on February 21, 2022