Climate ‘Midnight’ is close

A new video featuring Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner’s latest poem, Midnight, is one of a three-part climate action series released by the climate group Pictured is a screenshot from the video Midnight.

A three-part climate video series, “Fighting for our survival,” has been released by the climate action organization, This includes a new climate video, “Midnight,” filmed in the Marshall Islands and featuring Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner.

“Midnight” was unveiled December 11 at the opening of the online event Kainaki II to COP 26 – Pacific Islands Forum High-Level Roundtable on Urgent Climate Change Action.

“We will use this video as our rallying cry to call on international governments to take climate action and fight for 1.5 degrees until COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland (in November 2021),” said Nicole Han, Asia Pacific Communications Manager for

Kathy’s new video filmed by Chewy Lin, and the other two, can be viewed at:

Kathy’s explained how the poem used for the video developed:
The poem I am sharing today is one I wrote a few weeks ago as a reflection of the times we’re in and the ongoing challenges we face from the climate change crisis in a low lying atoll nation — it was after the US election, and written to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. Much like the Kainaki Lua Declaration, the Paris treaty is a call to action for the world, a commitment to this and the next generation.

While I was writing this poem, I was surprised to find myself invoking our former Climate Ambassador and Foreign Minister late Tony deBrum, who played a pivotal role in delivering an ambitious Paris Agreement. His presence has come up time and time again this year — my first year as Climate Envoy fully exposed to the technical work of our national level team on climate.

It is dedicated to him, to our national team, and to our Pacific leaders who I call to continue to hold their ground and maintain their steady demand for ambitious climate change action from the global community.


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