Journal 3/5/1981
P1 Hospital short on supplies, medicine
The Armer Ishoda Memorial Hospital is short on just about every medicine and simple things like toilet paper and bandages, hospital administration Phil Hunt said. He said the hospital compiled a list of the things that were needed at the hospital and gave it to the government for approval. The government said the list was too long so Hunt said they had to remake the list twice to come up with what was supposed to be really needed, as if the things they cancelled were not urgently needed. Right now the hospital is critically short on aspirin and penicillin besides other medicines.
P1 Officials explain talks breakdown
Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum said he sees a storm ahead in the talks on a Compact of Free Association but it is not yet time to abandon the idea. He was interviewed by a panel of government information division staff on the government radio station WSZO. He described the status talks as “broken down.”

Journal 3/8/1991
P10 Long-awaited Marshall Islands Club opens
What is it? It’s not a disco. But it has a juke box with 50 percent of its records Country and Western live bands. It’s not yet a full restaurant for although the the gas for cooking is ready, some kitchen equipment and the pizza machine are not yet on island. So at first only pupus will be available…so once again, what is it? Tony Dujmovic, who is responsible for building it, says that it is evidence of Marshallese skills. For apart from this Australian’s general supervision, most everything else has been done by an all-Marshallese work crew. Kimbar Peter, one of the two owners, says it is an ideal place for private functions. Joe Murphy, the other owner, says it will not be a disco or a drunk’s hangout. Instead it will be a place to relax and entertain yourself, your family and your friends. But more objectively it is the Marshall Islands Club.
P11 PRC opens embassy
The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Marshall Islands opened Thursday. Sicong Gu, the PRC’s chargé, hosted a dinner in Majuro’s Royal Garden Hotel for leaders in the RMI government, finance and commerce.
P19 Billfish Club action
The Marshalls Billfish Club at the end of January elected its board of directors. Bill Graham is again club president, with Kirt Pinho as Vice President. The other five directors are Billy Roberts, Ramsey Reimers, Victor Milne, Wally Milne and Dennis Reeder.
Journal 3/11/2011
P1 CMI upheaval
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is sending a special team to visit the College of the Marshall Islands later this month. The intended WASC visit on March 28-29 resulted in part from the turmoil caused since December when former CMI President Kenneth Woodbury, Jr. resigned and then un- resigned, and several top-level administrators subsequently left. CMI was not scheduled for a regular WASC visit this year because WASC in 2010 extended a six-year term of accreditation.
P4 Resolution on corruption introduced
Two-thirds of Nitijela members signed up to introduce a resolution to accede to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. The resolution was introduced by Minister John Silk and others.