CMI talks on nuclear legacy

Deaf Education Center students and staff with CMI Nuclear Club representatives following a presentation to the group on the nuclear weapons test legacy.


Students and graduates of the Majuro Deaf Education Center thoroughly enjoyed an info-packed presentation about the Marshall Islands’ nuclear legacy shortly before Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day. The presentation was given by the College of the Marshall Islands Nuclear Club, with club advisor Ariana Tibon being the lead presenter.

Ariana, who is the Education and Public Awareness Director at the RMI National Nuclear Commission, was based at CMI for a year in 2019 when the commission did not have its own office. “I worked closely with Mary Silk, who teaches a course called Nuclear Issues in the Pacific,” she said. “I believe this has been taught at CMI since 1998.”

Nuclear Club President Oronia Kinono and four members — Rita Lewis, Kiomina Born, Donna Jorlang, and Annagrace Beti — joined Ariana at the presentation.

“The Deaf Center’s Jelina Capelle did the signing for the students and graduates. Jelina is a professional ASL (American Sign Language) signer.”

Ariana’s presentation, which was held in a MIHS classroom, included viewing loads of photos from the nuclear era. “It took about an hour and a half to do the presentation … And they definitely enjoyed it.”


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