Covid vaccine roll out

President David Kabua received his first Covid vaccine from Majuro hospital nurse Harry Harry on January 21. First Lady Ginger Kabua, the wives of Nitijela members, and members of the diplomatic corps all lined up for their vaccines. Photo: Wilmer Joel.

Over 3,000 people in the Marshall Islands had received Covid vaccines through January 23, according to the Ministry of Health and Human Services.
Ebeye administered 1,036 shots, while Majuro public health staff delivered 2,027 vaccines, according to Health officials.
Vaccine distribution picked up in mid-January with the arrival of more doses of the Moderna vaccine. Last week, it was being provided to anyone 40 and up, as well as first responders in various ministries above the age of 18.
The ministry uploads vaccine data to the US Centers for Disease Control, which is providing the vaccines.


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