Culture Week a blast

Laura Elementary School kindergarten student show off different styles of island hats woven from coconut fronds on the opening day of Culture Week in RMI. Photo: Eve Burns.

Laura Elementary School opened its Culture Week on campus with a lot of fun. Students and teachers wore woven hats in support of Lutok Kobban Alele program for the week. They continued their day with Marshallese biit dances and chanting, which brought a lot of cheering and laughter from parents, students and teachers.

Students at schools throughout the country were decked out in island-style hats Monday.
Each day of the week followed a theme for island culture. Friday’s official ceremony and a big outrigger canoe race were postponed to October 1 so as not to conflict with funeral services that started for the late Iroojlaplap Kotak Loeak with a state funeral at Nitijela on Wednesday this week. President David Kabua issued an executive order directing that all flags in RMI be lowered to half-staff through September 28.


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