Several small — but important — improvement projects are ready to take off in Ebeye.
Kwajalein Atoll Development Authority (KADA) Director Carl Hacker reports that JEMFAC has agreed to move ahead with establishing the Mid-Corridor Housing Project Management Office, which will focus on efforts to design and fund the proposed $27 million project to replace the old and dilapidated existing housing. Once it moves ahead, this project will be the second largest engineering project in the Marshall Islands, exceeded only by Majuro hospital, said Hacker.
In another key development, KADA is spending $100,000 for sidewalk repairs in Ebeye.
Other projects in the works include:
• Ebeye Beach Park — PII will build two new picnic shelters and repair existing public bathrooms.
• Ebeye Basketball Courts – PII will build new courts as well as repair existing courts at five school locations.
• Ebeye Basketball/Tennis Courts – Covers will be constructed on courts. In addition, water catchments and bathrooms will be installed.
• Kwajalein Atoll Housing – Negotiations at a recent meeting with JEMFAC have led potentially to $500,000 for support of new housing and for housing improvements. RMI government has already deposited $500,000 for this initiative.
• Kwajalein Atoll Water Hippos – The US Department of Interior has approved the purchase of 1,350 Water Hippos, simple rolling devices that carry five times the water of buckets. These will be distributed to all households on Kwajalein and Ebeye that don’t already have one.
Read more about this in the April 13, 2018 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.