Nitijela loses only female

Journal 11/25/1983

P1 Majuro: Who won the 5th seat? Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Tony deBrum and Deputy Secretary Phillip Muller appear to have won themselves two of the seats out of Majuro’s 15 candidates running for five seats in Nitijela as the tabulating committee began counting ballots. President Amata Kabua is the top vote getter, with Hemos Jack in second place. Minister of Finance Toke Sawej, Minister of Social Services Jina Lavin and Vice Speaker Henry Samuel are vying for the fifth seat.

P2 Among other things By Akio Heine Campaign ’83 has come to an end and most people are looking foreword to the year 1984. I for one am looking forward to the year 1987. There is good reason why I’m looking forward to 1987. Yes, you guess it right. I’m running for Nitijela. In fact, with this column, my campaign has begun. I know you all want honest senators. To that end I’ll be frank and say here and now that I’m dying to be a senator. To be a big shot for once. Ladies and gentlemen my name is Akio and I’m running for Nitijela and I need your votes and money. Won’t you be kind and join the Committee to put Akio in Nitijela in 1987?

P3 Bikini delegation to Maui A Bikini/Kili delegation is leaving Majuro November 25 to Maui to take another look at the land they are interested in. The delegation is headed by their newly elected Senator Henchi Balos.

P3 AMI makes test flight Air Marshall Islands made a test flight November 25 to Kosrae State to inspect the new airport before it makes charter flights to the island.

Journal 12/1/1995

P1 Stay the course Marshall Islands voters have returned President Amata Kabua for an unprecedented fifth term as head of state, along with nearly all his Cabinet members. Although there will be eight new faces in Nitijela in January, two of those are former Nitijela members — Andrew Hisaiah and Hemos Jack — who have returned to Nitijela. President Kabua and eight of his Cabinet ministers were easily reelected. Jaluit proved a rocky road for Cabinet ministers Luckner Abner and Evelyn Konou. Whereas “newcomer” Alvin Jacklick waltzed to victory in his first run for that feisty southern atoll, both Abner and Konou — who were first elected to Nitijela in 1979 and have served since — appear to have lost. If Konou’s defeat is confirmed by the Electoral Administration, it will mark the first time since the Marshall Islands government was formed that there all not be a woman in the chamber.

P14 Bikinians go far for second opinion Bikini leaders will travel halfway around the world early next month in search of reassurances that their islands can be safely resettled. The International Atomic Energy Agency in Austria is convening a panel of experts to review scientific data and to consider clean up options proposed by the Bikinians. A delegation of Bikinians will be in Vienna next month.

Journal 12/1/2006

P3 Case could upset ’03 Kili mayor election As politicians are prepping for the November 2007 election, an election court challenge from 2003 is nearing its final resolution the High Court. Though it’s three years since Bikini Mayor Eldon Note took office for a second term, a judge’s ruling for the plaintiffs in this case — involving six reject postal absentee ballots — could, very belatedly, lead to an upset of the election in which Note defeated Johnny Johnson by three votes.

P18 Your choice Today there are over 30,000 FSM citizens and 20,000 Marshallese living in the United States and its territories. Add to that possibly another 10,000 Palauans, and you have a total of 60,000 Micronesians living away from home. These are people — young and old, fluent English speakers and those who know no more than a few rods of the language — who have chosen to take up residence abroad.


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