The Enewetak Ujelang Local Government and its people held a special ceremony for blessing a newly built warehouse earlier this month. Department of Interior Grants Manager Fred Nysta, Rairok Councilwoman Margaret Alee, members of the EULG council, other VIPs, and the Enewetak people attended.
The construction of EULG’s Majuro warehouse was made possible through the savings generated from prudent fiscal management of its US Department of Interior-funded FY2019 Enewetak Food and Agriculture Support Program, according to EULG officials.
“This new building will enable us to stockpile essential items,” said Enewetak Mayor Jackson Ading. He said this is a capability that is vital in an age where global pandemics can cut off supply lines that isolated, resource-poor island communities like Enewetak depend upon for their survival.
“The new warehouse has put an end to the 40 years of using a 40-foot container to store goods,” Ading said.