Journal 6/15/1982
P2 SDA graduates 22 The most important things in life are not cars, new houses or other nice things — but a growing person, the Marshall Islands Mission Academy of the Seventh Day Adventist 1982 graduating class was told by Elder John Ash, the evening’s main speaker. Twenty-two young men and women received high school diplomas as parents, relatives and friends looked on. Diplomas were issued to: Bariko Andrew, Jacki Bobo, Linda Clary, Lodawin Domenden, Augustine George, Jiktok Heam, Libby Heon, Honald Meran, Midnight Jacklick, Swinson Jacklick, Arwin Jello, Roxana Jetnil, Moryia Joramh, May Joran, Maryia Jormalu, Yitha Kaious, Miami Lang, Alter Langrine, Helenta Motluk, Felix Roberts.
P4 Among other things by Akio Heine Let’s stop this nonsense about grade and elementary school graduation ceremonies. They are costly and atrocious. They are also a mockery of high school and college graduations — real graduations that can lead to better work or better pay. These kiddie graduations are hard on parents, especially those with two or more kids going to school if the parent is making about a dollar an hour. It is silly to make these kids give speeches that we all know they couldn’t possibly have written. They should not burden themselves with ideas of trying to save the world or worry about jobs or giving speeches — that’s for adults.
Journal 6/17/1994
P13 Majuro declared disaster area Majuro got another lesson of the powerful whims of Mother Nature this past week beginning Wednesday afternoon as high surf washed over much of the atoll bringing so much destruction with huge rocks, logs, trash and other debris that the government has declared Majuro a disaster area. Friday, Acting President Phillip Muller signed the disaster declaration for Majuro and other islands. It was difficult for many to reconcile the incredibly damaging high surf during the late afternoon and early hours of the morning with the clear, beautiful, sunny weather Majuro received during the day.
P16 US beats Philippines in Marshalls For the second year in a row, United States and Philippines nationals top the list of registered aliens in the Marshall Islands. This year, 260 Americans and 258 Filipinos registered in the RMI compared to last year’s 249 US citizens and 260 Philippine citizens. The next highest number of registered aliens — 109 — come from mainland China.
P18 RMI four in PRC Four Marshall Islanders are among the 4,000 international scholarship students studying in the People’s Republic of China. Katzuo Leander, Jr. and Carl Alik are attending Wuhan University and Randall McKay and Mathild Annuntak are at the Beijing Language School.
P20 RMI concern continues offer Hermios Trust representations The Marshall Islands government continues to express concern about attempts by Hawaii-based businessmen to issue a $500 million bond and seek investments for citizenship in the name of the Marshall Islands. RMI Attorney General Boyd Sprehn said this week that the government is examining what its options are in order to be sure that officials of the now-dissolved Murjel Hermios Eleemosynary Trust “are not taking actions to impair the reputation of the Marshall Islands.”
Journal 6/17/2005
P2 Jeton wins silver Jeton Anjain, Jr., a 16-year-old Marshall Islands wrestler, grabbed a silver medal in his first international competition last weekend in Pohnpei.
P6 Flow of declassified material too slow Foreign Minister Gerald Zackios said this week that the need for the US government to continue declassifying nuclear test-related information is more critical than ever as the “changed circumstances petition” review process plays out in the US Congress. US Ambassador Greta Morris told the Journal that the process of declassifying all US documents identified for declassification is almost complete.
P18 Japan to double our water capacity A proposal to greatly expand Majuro Atoll’s fresh water capacity is moving forward with the Japanese government. The proposal is for a new reservoir to be constructed west of the international airport runway.