EPA passes US lab audit

EPA water quality lab team and MWSC staff passed the annual audit. Showing off their certificates are, front, from left: Malolo Malolo, auditor Edna L. Buchan, and Melvin Kilma. Back row from left: Richardo Jarom, Handel Dribo, Nicky Komanta (MWSC), Voneric Boktok, Paul Paul, and Tuvuki Ketedromo.

“Three great wins for the Marshall Islands,” is how RMI EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip described the recertification of a team of water quality laboratory staff.

She listed the developments in the past few days:

  • The RMI EPA Laboratory “passed the audit with flying colors! We are recertified to continue operating as a legally certified laboratory — with a mandate to ensure water quality standards are enforced and followed.”
  • EPA’s lab technicians on Majuro and Ebeye are also successfully recertified having passed the exams.
  • EPA extended the training to Majuro Water and Sewer Company. “They now have a certified water technician!” she added.

The annual Water Quality Audit conducted by US-based Nimbus Environmental Services representative Edna Buchan resulted in the EPA laboratory and its staff “once again being recertified by the US Freely Associated States Laboratory Certification Program,” reported the RMI EPA on its Facebook page.

The Water Quality Division successfully completed its lab audit and recertification and the team of technicians also cleared their on-site evaluation and received their Analyst Certifications I, II, and III.

Laboratory Supervisor Tuvuki Ketedromo was certified as a Level III analyst. Paul Paul and Richardo Jarom were also certified as Level III analysts, and Malolo Malolo from Ebeye. Voneric Boktok and Handel Dribo from Ebeye were certified as Level II analysts. In addition, Nicky Komanta of MWSC was certified as a Level I analyst for drinking water.

“Being certified as a water quality technician is crucial because it guarantees that one possesses the skills and expertise needed to accurately test and monitor water quality, which has a direct impact on environmental safety and public health by identifying potential contaminants and ensuring safe drinking water supplies,” said EPA.


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