Expansion of Ajidrik hotel

Journal 1/6/1984

P7 Pinho apartment building The old gas station owned by Kirt Pinho has been remodeled into four two-bedroom apartments for rent. It will be two bedrooms upstairs and two downstairs.

P7 Office and hotel extension The old Ajidrik movie theater is now under construction, for a two-story building, which includes an office on the first floor and additional parking space at the back, and on the second floor, a hotel room extension. According to Amos MacQuinn, the manager for Ajidrik hotel, the First Marshalls Savings and Loan will be renting the office for their operation.

Journal 1/5/1996

P4 Crackdown on alcohol Police Commissioner Norman Jennings reports that the incidence elf drunk driving was down and the New Year’s weekend, from a police point, was the quietest in three years. However, the Commissioner said that there are too many people being sold drinks and buying alcohol without a permit. “Mom and pop stores are the biggest offenders,” he said.

P18 New Year’s Eve in Rita New Year’s Eve is an excuse for young children to stay up late and go from house to house without the police telling them to go home. There were drunken boys everywhere. Kids were singing at every house foo in Rita village in the middle of the night during New Year’s Eve. People were expecting singing groups at their doors starting at 12 midnight. The singing groups received candies, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, donuts and much more. The singing groups even received cash for singing good songs. It was like an open night for everyone, kids are free from having to stay in the house after 10pm, and many young boys get drunk making lots of noise in the middle of the night. New Year’s Eve was a happy night for both young and old people, boys, girls, men and women.

Journal 1/5/2007

P1 Voters snooze and lose in ’07 Hundreds of Marshall Islanders waited until the last minute to register to vote last Friday, making the Electoral Administration look more like the ticket office on a Pussycat Dolls concert day. People were trying to beat the 5pm deadline to register or re-register for the November 2007 national election.

P6 Hawaiian canoes set to voyage The Hawaiian voyaging canoe “Maisu” was launched late last month, and is preparing to depart from the Big Island this weekend on an epic voyage to the Marshall Islands and Micronesia. It will be traveling in the company of the older and famous “Hokulea’a,” a voyaging canoe that made the first modern day trip from Hawaii to Tahiti in 1976. Waan Aelon in Majel staff in Majuro are coordinating the planned visit to Majuro of the two canoes. In 1999, Polynesian Voyaging Society members sailed the 54-foot, double hull canoe “Makali’i” from Hawaii into Micronesia, via Majuro — one of the first ever voyages by a Hawaiian canoe into this region.

P7 Preparing for the 150th Christians throughout the Marshall Islands will be celebrating 150 years of Christianity in the Marshall Islands during 2007. The first American Congregational missionaries arrived in the Marshall Islands in 1857, setting up their first church on Ebon Atoll.

P10 Election year Fully realizing that election campaigning for November 2007 started months ago, still the start of the new year puts it right out there in your face. So, expect some weird behavior this year, especially at Nitijela, as senators do their best to look like they’re helping their constituents get something for nothing. On top of the list, let’s — Amend the Social Security law to get 100 percent early retirement benefits; borrow big bucks form MISSA fund to cover other things we can’t pay for, such as copra increases; amend health legislation so that (fill in the blank) conditions get added to the list for off-island medical treatment; reprogram (or just plain use) money for ships, planes and food for events, celebrations and other important occasions on the outer islands. The retail and wholesale stores look set to have a bumper year.


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