The Filipino community turned out in force Saturday night for its annual induction ceremony for new officers of the Filipino Association of the Marshall Islands.
A large contingent of Marshall Islands government VIPs also attended the dinner gathering at the ICC to honor the Filipino community. Over 400 FAMI members and guests joined the event, said to be the most well-attended in recent years.
President David Kabua headlined the gathered ministers and senators, and spoke to the group, recognizing the Filipino group for its contribution to development of the nation. The RMI national anthem was performed by Faith Band, while the FAMI chorale led by Rose Sumaoang sang the Philippines national anthem.
Internal Affair Minister Jemi Nashion delivered the oath of office, officially inducting the new board members.
The Executive Committee is headed by President Dr. Joemil Donasco, a Majuro hospital surgeon. Other officers are Cheryl Vila, vice president, Marius Escarez, treasurer, Jasmin Nogar, secretary, and Peter “Tabwi” Nashion, public relations. The board is headed by Edward Alfonso, chair, and Jayson Casile, vice chair. Members are Dandee Bellosillo, Wilson Cinco, Lorraine Kabua Edejer, Larry Hernandez, Jr., Maybelline Ipil, Jennifer Poquita, Victor Navarro and Sherwin Ramos.
Aside the the induction of the new officers, FAMI also awarded the Huwarang Filipino awards to “three pioneering ladies” of the RMI: Mayor Rufina Jack, Gloria Philip, and the late Aida Nashion.