Fashion night at Jitak

Participants in the Lakadrimdrim Fashion Show last Friday at Jitak enjoyed their moment of prime time. Photo: Chantelle Rogers Niedenthal.

While the Festival of Pacific Arts was happening in Hawaii, local business Lakadrikdrim held a fashion entertainment showcasing island wear and crafts last Friday at Jitak Likatu Bar.

The show provided a platform for a group of young, for some, super young, models to showcase their talent and local handicrafts.

One by one, each participant elegantly glided into the catwalk set dead center at the venue. A vibrant and loud audience cheered as each walked the stage.

The event was judged by Miram deBrum and Netha “Lijimu” Gideon.

“The event is catered for our people,” Lakadrimdrim owner Robert Anjain told the Journal. “The main point of the show is to empower our people to own our own crafts and products with pride.”

Prizes were given to different winners based on different categories including the grand prize winner who walked home with new Starlink equipment Miss Nonouti Kiribati and kindergarten student Kiana Pengai Harry.


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