Iakwe eok Aloha Airlines

Front pages 1987, 1999, and 2010.

Journal 9/4/1987

P2 Thyroid problem plagues blast victims
A report published in the August 7 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association concludes that radiation-exposed Marshallese affected by the 1954 Bikini bomb accident are experiencing more thyroid problems than originally anticipated. In addition, claims the report compiled by a physician who worked in the Marshalls with the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project, radiation-related abnormalities were uncovered in 12 atolls other than the original two (Rongelap and Utrok) where earlier researchers through the contamination was contained.

P4 Nuclear lawsuit suffers setback
A federal judge in Washington, DC Friday dismissed multi-billion dollar lawsuits brought the Marshall Islands residents for health and property losses resulting from US nuclear tests. US Claims Court Judge Kenneth Harkins ruled that a mechanism for paying islander claims already had been established by a $150 million fund set up by the United States. The fund was extended by Congress as “full settlement of all claims, past, present and future,” Harkins said. Bikini had sued for $450 million as a result of the US tests between 1946 and 1958. Enewetak had sured for $500 million, and islanders from Rongelap, Utrok and 10 other atolls for $4 billion.

Journal 9/3/1999

P1 Bait & Switch ‘solution’ angers workers
Tuesday: Cabinet and Ministry of Health officials settled a dispute Monday evening that had disrupted hospital services throughout the Marshall Islands for four days and sparked one of the first public demonstration in Majuro’s history. Wednesday: Just one day after apparent agreement was reached resolving the the hospital crisis, top Health officials on Wednesday morning said the Minister of Health wanted to revise the proposed agreement transferring personnel management authority to the ministry.

P2 Aloha here
Three months after its planned launching, Aloha Airlines inaugural flight from Honolulu to the Marshall Islands touched down at Majuro Friday afternoon, much to the delight of the several hundred government and business leaders who turned out to welcome the airline.

P6 RMI in the news
The Marshalls rate a couple of photos in the latest edition of the UK government’s Britain in the Pacific publication. In a centerfold spread on the Queen’s birthday reception in Fiji, RMI Ambassador to Fiji Mack Kaminaga and his wife Reises are prominently featured at the party. Later on in the issue, a photo of AMI’s Saab 2000 being refiled takes up half a page.

P16 Arno is the best in the RMI
Arno was the only team that made it through the first Ralik Ratak Shootout tournament undefeated, beating Majuro twice to capture the trophy and the $900 cash prize from the Marshall Islands Sports Council. The championship trophy was presented by Internal Affairs Minister Hiroshi Yamamura to team captain Jeffery Wase and coach Daniel Andrew, while Arno Mayor Jejwadrik Anton and Senator Nidel Lorak joined the ceremony.

Journal 9/10/2010

P2 Farewell to Kalmer
Kalmer Latak, a local businessman known for his can-do, get-it-done attitude, died at Majuro hospital Sunday. Kalmer was noted for bringing ships to the RMI to provide transport service to remote outer islands.

P7 Kabua raises poverty issue
Signs of economic hardship and over crowding on Majuro are clear, according to Wotho Senator David Kabua. In an impassioned speech Monday at Nitijela to beg members of Nitijela to address the issue of economic hardship Kabua said: “There is overcrowding and hardship on Majuro.”


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