Journal 8/2/1985
P1 Amended Compact sails through US House The Compact of Free Association sailed through the House of Representatives last week, nearly obtaining an unanimous vote of approval, 360-12. The Compact has now cleared what many observers believe was the biggest hurdle — the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives — in the long process of approval that will finally lead to termination of the UN Trusteeship. But the US Congressional amendments “destroy” the intent of the Compact and render it totally unacceptable to the Marshall Islands. This is the message of rejection that President Amata Kabua cabled to the State Department August 1. Meanwhile, Opposition party leader Carl Heine said his party fully supports the Compact as approved by the US Congress and said that Marshallese can live with the amendments.
P8 Heated USSR debate polarizes tranquil Kiribati Poaching by American fishermen has forced at least two vulnerable South Pacific nations regarded as strongly pro-Western to open their vast stretches of ocean to the Soviet Union. The government of Kiribati recently concluded a tuna fisheries deal with the Soviet Union in defiance of mounting opposition at home and in other Pacific nations. Neighboring Tuvalu is also studying a Soviet offer and is likely to go ahead. Angered by non-stop American poaching of tuna inside their 200-mile economic zones, the two countries began to consider Soviet offers late last year while Washington was beginning negotiations with members of the Forum Fisheries Agency in an attempt to draw up a regional treaty.
P15 Sailing doctors eye Marshalls health care The MARIMED Foundation has launched a fundraising effort to provide health care services to isolated islands in Micronesia using sailing ships, the foundation said in San Francisco last week. Marshall Islands Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum attended the announcement in San Francisco. The foundation was created last year with the intention of providing medical care and health training to people in Micronesia. The $2.6 million drive to raise funds is to build and equip a 150-foot sailing vessel for use in Micronesia.
Journal 8/1/1997
P1 Imata: Suing for smokers The Marshall Islands is joining litigation against American tobacco companies in an effort to get compensation for health damage done to smokers and funding for rehabilitation programs in the islands. President Imata Kabua said the tobacco industry has intentionally caused millions of people to become addicted to their products for the sole purpose of corporate greed.
P1 Fewer and smaller Marshalls Billfish Club statistics show that both the number and size of fish being caught around Majuro have dropped in recent years.
P8 Filipinos celebrate FAMI election The Filipino Association had its induction of officers recently at a ceremony in the Outrigger Melele Room. The elected FAMI executive includes Boy Jacobe, Rudy Digno, Jojo Bucad, President Ludy Pingol, Noel Camba, Eileen Camba, Nono Reyes, Dulce Medenilla, Ver Delfino, Danny Padre and Mio Gana.
P13 Brand-X forces championship to fifth game Brand-X fought back from the brink of defeat Tuesday night to force a fifth and final playoff game Thursday night in the Majuro basketball championship series against the Rita Hawks. The exciting series has seesawed between the two teams. Hawks won game one easily, 90-68. Brand-X came back to nip the Hawks in the second game, 84-83. In the third, Hawks rolled to an 83-67 victory. In the forth Brand-X led virtually the entire game to win 76-69.
Journal 8/1/2008
P1 Games glory Next Friday, August 8, five Marshall Islands athletes and their support delegation will make history when they enter Beijing’s Olympic stadium flying the RMI flag at the opening of the 29th Games. Anju Jason, Roman Cress, Haley Nemra, Jared Heine and Julianne Kirchner will complete in taekwondo, track and swimming. The RMI gained membership in the International Olympic Committee in 2006, making Beijing its first shot at the Olympics. Martial arts specialist Jason is the only one of the five RMI athletes to qualify on his own merit as he won gold in New Caledonia in December at an Oceania qualifying competition.
P29 Doulatram is the 4T man to beat The big question facing the enthusiastic tennis players competing for tuna every Tuesday night at Long Island Hotel is: Can they win without Ace Doulatram on their side? This powerful tennis player had won 12 of 20 tournaments through July 15, setting a new record for wins — and the season is only half way through.