Journal 7/27/1982
P1 DeBrum: Compact talks collapsed today The Foreign Secretary of the Marshall Islands Tony deBrum says negotiations to end US administration of the territory collapsed. Speaking in Honolulu, deBrum said the US was not prepared to end its trusteeship of the islands, except on its terms and at a time of its own choosing. He said American terms and timing were not acceptable to the Marshall Islands.
P1 Ingram the new attorney general The newly appointed Attorney General Carl Ingram pledged active participation and more cooperation from his office with other departments within the government, especially with the police, the prosecutors office and immigration division in trying to alleviate the rise in crime.
P2 Paul plans tighter ship Cleaner ships, tighter schedules and team work are what is on newly appointed Minister of Transportation and Communication Atjang Paul’s mind these days. Paul, until recently Minister of Finance, inherited a department providing services much to be desired.
P8 Roadwork Pacific International Inc. is constructing a temporary roadway so a Japanese firm can build a bridge over what will be a small boat pass on Majuro Atoll’s south side.
Journal 7/29/1994
P5 Great wedding The Lanai was a classic island scene Tuesday night, celebrating the marriage of Kalani Pinho and Jeffrey Wase. President Kabua and First Lady Emlain, who previously attended the ceremony at Assumption Church, came to enjoy the festivities.
P5 Commish says… “If you weren’t at ‘Showtime,’ you should have been.” That’s what police commissioner Norman Jennings made a point of telling us after attending the Youth to Youth in Health dance and theater program at RRE over the weekend. He said he really enjoyed watching the big crowd laughing and having a great time. A couple thousand people came to the two-day program.
P21 Junior bowlers tournament A Junior Bowlers Tournament was co-sponsored by Kwajalein Senator Imata Kabua and Bank of Marshall Islands. BOMI Manager Patrick Chen joined the awards ceremony. Receiving tournament trophies and awards were: Dayna Tibon, Juan Leon Silk, Marlon Jurelang, Phillip Muller, Jr., Krystle Muller, Denise Jorkan, Honitha Relang, Canty Lorennij, Imacculata deBrum, Steven Tarbwillin, Rod Muller and Konkon Guavis.
Journal 7/29/2005
P2 Rongelap boys win in Oahu Young Boy Scouts from Rongelap/Mejatto Elementary School are back after successful participation in a big Boy Scout Jamboree in Oahu, Hawaii. The proud team brought home eight awards for winning events in the big Hawaii competition. In addition to eight prizes, scout Ritten Anjain was the only scout given the “heroism” award for successfully using the Heimlich Maneuver on a one-year-old baby that prevented the child from choking on a screw. Ritten saved the baby’s life.
P8 Gerald’s message to Senator Murkowski At the end of last week’s Senate hearing, Senator Lisa Murkowski asked Foreign Minister Gerald Zackios what the RMI wants. Zackios responded: “I think it’s important for the committee to use its authority to direct the (Bush) administration to work with the Marshall Islands government under the guidance of the committee and without preconditions, to deal with the issues that we have identified in the changed circumstances petition, in finding the way forward with respect to resolution of the nuclear testing program.”
P19 Band hits series of high notes around town The Marshall Islands national band continues to distinguish itself and the Marshall Islands. The band played both RMI and US national anthems at last Friday’s induction ceremony at Nitijela for Marshallese entering the US armed forces. The marching band was also very much in evidence during the opening of the Pacific Educational Conference earlier this month.