Journal 3/30/1982
P1 Japan to pay $1,250,000 for fishing rights
The Marshall Islands and Japan recently signed a new fisheries agreement that will be in effect for one year beginning on April 1, 1982, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs. Japanese boats will be licensed to fish in Marshallese waters in return for a cash fee of $1,250,000. This is an increase of $250,000 overeats year’s fee for fishing rights. The new fisheries agreement was signed for the Marshall Islands by Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum and Senator Charles Domnick, chairman of the Marshall Islands Maritime Authority.
P5 Marshallese to have their own Bible
Perched high in the tower of the Korean Christian Church in Honolulu, Alice Buck and Jernadrik Jelke are making corrections on galley proofs of the first complete Bible to be printed in the Marshallese language. The translation, in the works for 15 years, is a project of the United Bible Societies and is funded by the American Bible Society, Kwajalein protestant Chapel and churches of the Marshalls — the Catholic, Seventh-day Adventist, Assembly of God and United Church of Christ. Buck is coordinator and works with eight translators. They have completed the New Testament and Psalms. Now she is begging to put the finishing touches on the Old Testament with Jelke, who came here from Ebeye to help complete the work. Buck moved to Honolulu with her husband, Elden, who is now pastor at Korean Christian. He served as a missionary on Kosrae; was adviser to the Marshall Islands churches and principal at Ebeye Christian Elementary School; and as Protestant chaplain at Kwajalein missile base. —Nadine W. Scott, Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
Journal 3/29/1991
P2 Don’t expect a quick fix
The Marshalls education system is trying to revitalize its schools with community-based decision making and involvement. It is following in the footsteps of several states in American, including Hawaii, which now have several years experience in the process. Their observation? Don’t expect a quick fix. A three-year review of the Miami, Florida school system found math and English had not immproved. But the study found that teacher morale and the school environment had improved and the dropout rate had ben lowered significantly.
Journal 4/1/2011
P13 Unofficially official
We were talking to a lady who recently registered a vehicle with Majuro’s finest. “Sorry lady,” said the police guy, “we can register your new car but we are out of license plates. You’ll have to look around maybe and snatch one off some other car that isn’t being used. So the lady looked around and came up with a disabled Toyota and she got her son to unscrew the plate and put it on her car. Turns out it was a yellow license plate, and when the woman went out driving after 5pm she got stopped for driving with an official car after working hours. “This isn’t fair,” she pleaded. The policeman who stopped her was a nice guy, so he said he would let her go this first time. “But you better get a paint brush and paint over the yellow with white paint or you are sure to get stopped again,” he said.
P26 Payless shuts Laura store
Payless has closed its Laura store. After years of losing money on the store, the Payless board of directors made the decision to close and the store held a big sale last week. “It’s unfortunate we have to close the store,” said Payless General Manager John Mason.