JR wins gold in A. Samoa

RMI gold medal winning wrestler JR Bremen Leban, left, with Coach and RMI Wrestling Federation head Waylon Muller at the Oceania Championships in American Samoa last week.


Marshall Islands wrestler JR Bremen Leban will return home next week with gold and bronze medals.

JR represented the RMI in the Oceania Championships Senior Under-20 and Under-17 wrestling championships in American Samoa last week. He defeated New Zealand and Australian wrestlers to win the gold medal in the first segment of the competition.

College of the Marshall Islands’ Recreation, Fitness, and Sports Coordinator Jason Sam said when he heard that JR had achieved the medals that he was not surprised.

“I was not surprised because you could tell from his work ethic that he’ll succeed,” he said. “We are very proud of him. And when I heard he won and medalled, I said, ‘Yep, that sounds right.’”

Senator of Sports for the Student Government Association Ivan AJ Kaneko restated his supervisor’s remarks, commenting that JR’s commitment and work ethic made him the most likely candidate to win gold and destined for greatness. “It is an honor for the student leaders and the CMI students to be friends with someone who has achieved as much as he did,” he said.

JR expressed his humility about the accomplishments to the Journal.

“To be honest, as humble as I am, I don’t really feel anything,” he said after winning gold and bronze in the 82 kg and 86 kg categories. “Because the war is not over and I want more of it. But winning the medals makes me proud to be Marshallese and to show the other countries that I’m a big man (from a) small island trying to make it big. I achieved the medal with all the hard work and consistency that I’ve put into this sport.”

JR is anticipated to return on April 3 after completing a one-week high-performance wrestling training in neighboring Samoa.

JR was accompanied to American Samoa by Wrestling Federation head, coach and multi-medalist Waylon Muller.


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