Journal 10/23/1987
P1 $18m connection for new phones
The Marshalls has received approval for a multi-million dollar loan to install a modern communications system replacing the antiquated telephone system now in operation. The US Rural Utilities Service has approved a loan of $18.8 million to the National Telecommunication Authority for a new telephone systems, said Transportation Minister Kessai Note.
P15 Marshalls seeks changes in Japan fishing policy
The Marshalls was represented at the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation’s meeting in Japan and Okinawa earlier this month where Pacific delegates challenged the Japanese fishing industry to come to terms with policies of Pacific nations. Steve Muller, Marshall Islands Maritime Authority director, and Hermios Hemos, from Foreign Affairs, attended the three days of talks between Japan officials and Forum Fisheries Agency countries. In the past, Japanese fishing companies have refused to fully disclose catch data. “We maintain that it (catch data) is central to improving relations,” said Muller.
Journal 10/23/1998
P1 Close, but no cigar
Opposition legislators came one vote short to unseat President Imata Kabua’s government in Friday’s unprecedented vote in the Nitijela. Both sides viewed the outcome as a victory: President Kabua’s government continues to have the majority, albeit a slim one-vote majority, while opposition members say they proved that theirs is a rising power with the strength of the “yes” vote.
P8 Doctors 365 days a year for Rongelap, Utrik
Rongelap and Utrik islanders who were used to seeing Brookhaven National Laboratory doctors twice a year will now, for the first time, have access to medical staff all year around in Majuro and Ebeye, and will see visits to their islands four times a year. The Brookhaven-provided program for nuclear test affected islands was a “vertical” program — they came here one month twice a year and then were gone, said Dr. Neal Palafox, the co-director of the Pacific Health Research Institute program that has taken over the medical program for Rongelap and Utrik. “We designed a ‘horizontal’ program: we’ll be here 365 days of the year.”

Journal 10/23/2009
P1 Option for sea level rise: Relocate
Many Pacific islands are in danger of extinction from sea level rise and should seek relocation aid at a global meeting on climate change in Copenhagen later this year, said a Fiji-based scientist who is in Majuro this week for a climate meeting. “By 2100, I don’t see how many islands will be habitable,” said Professor Patrick Nunn, a climate change researcher at the University of the South Pacific.
P1 Return of the Kessai?
Following Wednesday’s historic no confidence vote, President Litokwa Tomeing’s opponents were mum about who will be the next president. Their one-vote majority also suggests the potential difficulty in successfully electing a new president. But former President Kessai Note,who led the charge against Tomeing, is a front-running contender along with Ailinglaplap Senator Christopher Loeak. Jaluit Senator Alvin Jacklick is also likely to be considered.
P12 Text message of the week
“Monday’s agenda: 9am Climate Change; 10am Regime Change.”
P13 Staying in tune
One of our staff was dying for a cup of coffee around 11:15am Tuesday, but was torn between wanting to keep his ears attached to V7AB vote of no confidence proceedings and the need for a caffeine injection. He needn’t have worried. As the caffeine urge overwhelmed the political cravings, he quickly left the Micronitor building to head to DAR. He missed only about seven words of the debate, as parked nearby was a vehicle, door open, passenger inside, radio V7AB Nitijela debate blaring. Ten feet further, another car door open, occupants inside DAR, radio at high blast. Three more cars between the store and restaurant kept a steady stream of V7AB talk so our corespondent wasn’t missing a thing. Walking into DAR restaurant, the caffeine seeker was nearly blasted back out the door by the booming restaurant radio with Nitijela voices dominating the eating scene.