Landowners okay water use

Landowners Mudge Samuel and Cathleen Zedkaia Alfred with Internal Affairs Assistant Secretary Antari Elbon at the Laura water lens signing ceremony.
Photo: Hilary Hosia.

Continued use of Laura freshwater lens will be available to the general public following renewed land lease agreement between Majuro landowners and government officials Tuesday at Marshall Islands Resort.

Seven landowners representing the seven land parcels where freshwater is often pumped into the Majuro reservoirs were present for the signing ceremony, which was presided by Minister of Finance Brenson Wase and Minister of Health and Human Services Joe Bejang and Majuro Parliament Member Tony Muller.

Officials from the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs coordinated the program and ensured all parties came to an understanding prior to the signatures.

The freshwater wells are used as backup for the greater Majuro population during dry season.


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