Fun BuBBles over at Laura’s Beach

The Relief Society was having a blast at their Laura picnic trip as activities including tug of war and Lejonjon were fun to watch. In the group, President Raymond Spaia, William Ring, the sister missionaries and the enthusiastic YSA team with their cake. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


Majuro Stake Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) alongside the Young Single Adult (YSA) organization held a camping and picnic expedition at Laura Beach at the end of July.

Although both groups were in the same place they were separated and scattered in different areas of the beach. After arriving from a long and weary trip to Laura Friday night, the members started to set up their tents and sleeping gear. Joining them were members of the stake presidency President Arlington Tibon and his second counselor Raymond Sapia who presided over their evening devotional, while high council member William Ring and his YSA team went into preparing their barbecue sauce for the next day. The Relief Society held a Saturday morning devotion as did the YSA group led by Edward Peterson to start off their day, which then headed into some enjoyable activities.

This included volleyball, tug of war, lejonjon (Marshallese traditional juggling with nin fruit, sack race, and freeze dance. Organizing and facilitating these games were the Relief Society Stake Presidency and the umpires to the activities were the YSA Members.

Overall winner for these activities was Uliga Ward and runner up was Laura Ward. The YSA team and sister missionaries ended on a high note before departing Laura, as they sang and gave thanks to the Lord for the many blessings they received and the delicious cake that had the motto spelled out on it saying “Love One Another.”


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