The first grant to support shoreline protection at Likiep Atoll was signed earlier this week by Likiep Atoll Mayor Nicholas deBrum and UNDP Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program National Coordinator Yoshiko Yamaguchi. The agreement signing was witnessed Tony Alik, Deputy Director of Waan Aelon in Majel, who was representing the grantee for the new SGP Likiep Shore Protection Project.
The UNDP grants program is providing $49, 517 for the Likiep shore protection work.
The Likiep Atoll Local Government budget is inadequate to look after increased coastal erosion problems affecting Likiep Atoll and other islands, said Mayor deBrum. “It is necessary that we also work with our regional and international partners for available fundings and find the best adaption practice,” he said. “Likiep Atoll is not responsible for the coastal erosion problems on Likiep, but we have to find means to help us help ourselves.”