Likiep tie: Wallace wins drawing

Sisters of Likiep candidates Tommy Kijiner, Jr. and Wallace Peter — Theresia Kijiner, left, and Tilta Peter — check their lots under the watchful eyes of Chief Electoral Officer Ben Kiluwe (at back) and Electoral official Bertnie Philippo at the ICC tabulation headquarters December 20. Photo: Hilary Hosia.


Likiep Nitijela election snapshot:

  • Saturday December 9: Wallace Peter 121-Tommy Kijiner, Jr. 120.
  • Wednesday December 13: Recount result: Tommy 121-Wallace 120.
  • Friday December 15: Re-recount result: Tommy 121-Wallace 121.
  • Monday December 18: Chief Electoral Officer Ben Kiluwe announces the tied race will be determined by drawing lots on Wednesday at 11am.

The drawing of lots to determine which candidate will become a member of Nitijela Wednesday at the International Conference Center was more than a decider of who will lead Likiep Atoll in the coming four-year term.

The display showcased the unique Marshallese culture where women hold the scepter as decision-makers during pivotal moments in Marshallese history: Candidates Wallace Peter and Tommy Kijiner, Jr.’s sisters Tilta Peter and Theresia Kijiner represented the two candidates in the rare event.

Wallace eventually came out victorious. Prior to departing the venue, both families shook hands and parted ways on good terms, one was heard saying “we are from the same family.”

The pulling of the straw was an intense five-minute spectacle.


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