Local VIPs use tax $$$

Front pages from 1987, 1999, and 2010.

Journal 3/20/1987

P3 ‘Loans’ not repaid
More members of the Majuro Atoll Local Government took the stand in court this week and confirmed that airport tax money was used as loans for MALGov members.

P11 Canvasback catamaran providing services to Wotje, Maloelap
Last week, the Catamaran belonging to the Canvasback organization called in at Majuro briefly before departing to Maloelap and Wotje atolls to assist with various health services. The catamaran and its crew will be in the outer islands for about one month providing dental services and health clinics.

P12 Ready for big time fishing
The Cabinet activated the Marshall Islands Maritime Authority under the Ministry of Resources and Development. This decision indicates government’s intention to be aggressive in development of its marine resources. This Cabinet approval put all subjects related to marine resources under one roof. In the proposed new law, the national government places responsibility for managing, regulating, conserving, developing and protecting the nation’s resources under MIMA.

P17 300 turn out for test
Nearly 300 young people turned out for the US Armed Services test and to hear Marshallese Master Sergeant Silass Z. Katjang talk about his 19-year experience in the Army.

Journal 3/19/1999

P1 Veteran 748 going bye-bye
AMI’s 748 airplane is flying its last flights this week in Majuro and is expected to be taken this weekend by the buyer, Trackmark, which purchased the plane earlier this year.

P1 MWSC: AG is why we’re bankrupt
A government audit of Majuro Water and Sewer Company is critical of the fact that unpaid water bills are piling up and now total more than $1.3 million. But MWSC said that the company has submitted all the information to the Attorney General’s office for prosecution of delinquent customers without result.

P5 US reports: No major problems but…
The State Department issued its annual report last week examining the status of human rights in the Marshall Islands, which indicates that while these rights are generally respected, some negative conditions exist. These, the report said, including: the government identifies spousal abuse as common; nearly 20 percent of elementary-aged children are not enrolled in school; child abuse and neglect are considered to be on the increase due to the influences from increased urbanization, unemployment, population pressures, two-income households and the availability of alcohol and illegal gambling.

P12 Women sailors stand out on board Makali’i “
It is a very special trip,” said Makali’i navigator Shorty Bertelmann, one of the first Hawaiians to study under Mau Piailug when the Micronesian navigator went to Hawaii almost 25 years ago. “We’re bringing Mau home and we’re also making the first voyage from Hawaii to Micronesia.” The young crew on the Makali’i is proof that Piailug’s teachings are moving moving into their second generation of Hawaiians. Breaking from an outdated custom, four of the 16 crew members are women. Bertelmann said the women showed their ability as equals of the male crew.

Journal 3/19/2010

P14 Our shining stars
Professor Andrew Garrod and his team of Dartmouth volunteer teachers departed on a high note Monday this week after “Hamlet” played to two sold out audiences over the weekend. MIHS was crowded both Friday and Saturday for the final performances of the Shakespeare play that involved about 50 MIHS students.


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