Locals build Likiep dock

Construction of a new dock at Likiep Atoll is well along to completion. It is funded by a US Interior Department grant. Photo: Chris deBrum.

A new dock at Likiep Atoll is nearing completion.

The funding for the dock was provided by the Department of Interior through its Maintenance Assistant Program.

Likiep Local Government advisor Chris deBrum estimated that the work is 90 percent complete for the dock.

“Our local guys are working day and night to complete the project,” he said. “We have an engineer from the Ministry of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities’ PMU and an equipment operator and mechanic.”    

The project hired workers from the local community, he said.

DeBrum also mentioned that Likiep was the only local government in RMI to apply for and receive funding for the dock work under Interior’s MAP grant program.


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