Journal 11/28/1986
P14 Planning commission
For the first time, a zoning bill has been introduced into the Nitijela that would establish planning commissions to regulate, plan and control development work in the islands. Introduced by President Amata Kabua, the bill would require each local government to set up planning commissions that would regulate all construction and development activity on the islands. Builders would be required to obtain permits for all houses or other buildings before construction could begin.

P20 Life and times of Mack Wonne, escape artist
Mack Wonne is a legend in his time and he definitely is doing time. That is, he is doing time at the Majuro lockup for some burglary he committed a long time ago. Mack’s legend is his penchant for jambo. He escapes from the kalbuj a lot, as you know if you read the police blotter very much. He has dominated the blotter’s escape clause for over a year and is currently up on criminal charges for four escapes, a burglary and attempted arson. I knew Mack back when he was a young teenager on Imroj, Jaluit. Mack was a very nice and likable young guy. He was always around to help if someone was building a house or making a boat. He was a good fisherman and diver and had a lot of friends. Most Jaluit people feel that Mack’s downfall was moving to the district center and getting involved with the wrong crowd. He got on the wrong track when he quit school and moved to the district center. He is still young enough to start over. — Grant Gordon.
P22 Ebeye city saga
The Majuro people would say S-Bluff and the Ebeye people would say S-Kõmakadede Wot, and I will say Auwe! Auwe! It’s a great news you know. The story of Christmas here on Ebeye is getting larger and larger each day. This island is not a very big island and, although it accommodates thousands of people, and we expect more to come on vacation each year. May be friends, bros, sisters and other people. One thing, don’t forget to prepare more water containers at homes. I understand that you already had that in mind, but I just wanna tell you so you can start suggesting it now. — Rogan Kibin
Journal 11/27/1998
P1 RMI-Taiwan ties
The Marshall Islands and Taiwan established formal diplomatic ties last Friday in a move that surprised both local residents and diplomats alike. News agencies reported that the Marshall Islands received cash and investment pledges worth “hundreds of millions of dollars” in exchange for recognition of Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China Embassy in Majuro condemned the action, saying the Marshall Islands had openly sabotaged relations with Beijing, which allows for recognition of only one China. CNN described the diplomatic recognition by the Marshalls as “a modest victory” for Taiwan, which has seen four allies switch ties to Beijing this year, dropping the number of countries that recognize it to just 27.
P3 Dr. Masao calls on Marshallese to become doctors
Medicine and dentistry don’t seem to be attracting many Marshall Islanders – but they need to be, according to Majuro hospital officials who spoke to College of the Marshall Islands students at a career day program. “There is a shortage of doctors here compared to the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau,” said Dr. Masao Korean, the chief of staff at the hospital.
Journal 11/27/2009
P3 NTA is making history
The laying of a new submarine fiber optic cable from the Marshall Islands to Guam starts next month and by next April it will giveth RMI 21st century communication technology. “Everything we do from here on is hi9story in the making,” said National Telecommunications Authority General Manager Tony Muller, who late last month signed an agreement with Tata Communications of India to access its facilities in Guam for placement and maintenance of the cable and associated equipment.
P6 Lights…camera…action!
Jack Tarantino Niedenthal’s second movie offering, “Yokwe Bartowe,” is ready to hit the edit room so stay tuned Majuro for your next viewing pleasure. In wrapping up the filming, Jack captured the final battle between Lijimu (Netha Gideon) and the evil Madam Kwolej (Nica Wase).