Two new doctors have been hired and are serving in Leroij Atama Zedkaia Memorial Hospital. They are general surgeon Dr. Rodney Catilo and pediatrician Dr. Miliakere Baleilevuka, who are both happy and serving in their respective posts.
Only four weeks into her job and Baleilevuka flew on a chartered flight to Wotje to medevac a five day-old baby girl last week Tuesday. The baby was not feeding from the mother and was deemed “very sick”. After being taken on the plane, the infant was stabilized.
In Majuro hospital and through follow up checks and monitored medication, the baby has an improved health condition and is now breastfeeding well. “My goal is to improve the standard of care,” said Baleilevuka. “It’s not okay to lose babies.”
Baleilevuka explained that she’s also aiming to reduce mortality and morbidity rates. Another mother gave birth on Wotje to twins but unfortunately both died during birth.
She recommends for pregnant women in the outer islands to come to Majuro hospital. Babies are weak and need proper care and medication when they are ill.
The addition of Catilo and Baleilevuka bring the total of doctors in the Ministry of Health (MOH) to 21. “This is still not enough,” said Dr. Tom Jack. “We need two more internists a radiologist, and an anesthesiologist. The current load of patients is overwhelming our doctors.”
Read more about this in the April 1, 2016 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.