MALGov celebrates new court

At the opening of Majuro Day and the new sports court at Assumption, Marshall Islands Basketball Federation President Candice Guavis, right, and Vice President Lyla Lemari, center, joined with MALGov officials to make a donation of basketballs for every Majuro ward. From left with the MIBF leaders: MALGov Sports Director Chris Makiphie, Mayor Ladie Jack and Executive Councilman for Sports Ronnie Lakabung. Photo: Eve Burns.

Majuro Atoll Local Government joined with Assumption Schools, the Taiwan Embassy and numerous others to bless and open the new sports court next to the Uliga school Tuesday afternoon.

The covered basketball/volleyball court was funded jointly by Taiwan and MALGov. It was a two-part event: opening of the new court and a soft opening for this year’s Majuro Day.
The event included a blessing of the facility, music by the Assumption student band, a basketball donation by the Marshall Islands Basketball Federation, and a ribbon cutting ceremony.

All of this was followed by refreshments and then two basketball games that signaled the official start of Majuro Day sports that will culminate late next month with championships and prizes.


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