Despite two of its three garbage trucks being broken for two weeks, Majuro Atoll Waste Company continued to collect rubbish. Collection moved more slowly than usual, as MAWC had to turn to “muscle power” of its workers to pick up bins due to mechanical problems with garbage trucks.
MWSC official Teliphen Neamon explained two of MAWC’s three trucks down. The downed trucks include the white “Leach” truck and the large yellow garbage truck. Both collect residential waste. The third truck is called “Mac” or “Big White” and it collects commercial waste.
The yellow truck needed a hydraulic pump seal. The order came last week and the part was installed Friday. The Leach needs work on the electrical wiring and it’s expected to be completed within the week.
The Plan B that MAWC implemented to continue garbage collection while the two trucks were down was using the Big White truck along with the diesel flat bed — and a lot of manpower. MAWC workers lifted the residential bins onto the diesel truck, which delivered them to the nearest open space where Big White was parked. MAWC workers then unloaded the small bins into a big commercial bin for Big Mac to hoist into its garbage holding space.
Read more about this in the August 4, 2017 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.