P1 Reagan signs and forward the Compact President Ronald Reagan signed and forwarded to the Congress the Compact of Free Association for the Marshall Islands and FSM. The Reagan administration will work toward the quick securing of passage of the Compact, said US chief negotiator Fred Zeder.
P1 Senators seeking to kill Compact Eleven enactors of the Nitijela have asked the US Congress to kill the Compact of Free Assocaition. They sent a written stated to US Rep. John Seiberling. The statement is signed by Ataji Balos, Imada Kabua and Hermios Kibin of Kwajalein; Ekpap Silk, Ebon; Evelyn Konou and Carl Heine, Jaluit; Tobne Philippo, Lae; Alden Bejang, Lib; Chuji Chutaro, Mili; Jeton Anjain, Rongelap; and Litokwa Tomeing, Wotje.
P8 Bilimon theater On Jabor, Jaluit, Bilimon Amram recently completed his movie theater and is sending films regularly on Air Marshall Islands. Bilimon is currently the largest developer on Jaluit, with a theater and a well-stocked retail store, a bum-bum boat, a pickup truck and a new house.
P8 Hunger strike Jaluit High School students boycott of the cafeteria has entered its sixth week. A team from Education and Food Services flew down recently to look into the problem but so far nothing is resolved.Students are cooking their own food, using firewood in a makeshift cookhouse. We hope something is done soon, those kids are skinny as it is.
Journal 4/5/1996
P1 Copra cut Confirming that belt-tightening in the Marshall Islands is not just talk, Tobolar announced a major reduction in copra prices and the Ministry of Finance implemented a five percent cut in paychecks last Friday. Tobolar approved a reduction from 19.5 cents per pound to 16 cents.
P6 New health threat: Leprosy on rise The discovery of a high rate of leprosy among Marshallese has led the Ministry of Health with the support of Majuro Atoll Local Government to launch an aggressive screening and treatment program in Majuro. A total of 172 cases have been diagnosed here. Although those numbers give the Marshall Islands one of the world’s highest rates of leprosy, they may not tell the whole story because health staff have only screened a portion of Majuro and three outer islands — all of which show relatively large numbers of cases.
Journal 4/6/2007
P3 Coop gets big thumbs up from WASC A visiting accreditation team from the United States gave Majuro Cooperative School a big thumbs up last week. “There have been an awful lot of accomplishments since the last visit,” said Louise Wong, who headed the two member Western Association of Schools and Colleges accreditation team. “This school has a bright future.
P8 Betel nut bill sparks hot debate Legislation to ban the importation of betel nut came up for third and final reading last week Tuesday. It immediately hit a minefield of debate, mostly among government party senators and ministers, and after quite a few minutes of back and forth, the Nitijela voted to defer action on it.
P12 Scenes about town Picture this: Middle of a working day, Majuro, say 2pm, Majuro’s mayor and a guy are driving down the road in Delap from MALGov toward ECC. Next image: Five likao, maybe mid-20s, in a barroom style fight (only no bar, just out on the road) near the USP Center. Next image: Mayor and partner jump out to stop the fighting and at least one of the boys duking it out tries to slug the mayor’s man. Next shot: American guy driving behind the mayor sees the action, jumps out to help the mayor, grabs a couple of hefty likao and holds onto them. Final frame: Local police, responding a radio call from the mayor, arrive, sirens blaring, and arrest several of the big fighting guys. Just another day in Majuro.