MIHS celebrates

A parade of students and teachers from Alwal (end of Rita) to Marshall Islands High School celebrated World Food Day, while giving everyone some outdoor exercise as part of World Food Day, a field day and teacher appreciation combined into one big day last Friday. MIHS students Bill Lorennij, holding the poster, and Susan Ned taking a selfie behind him as the parade stretches out behind them. Photo: Wilmer Joel

Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) students had a great Friday last week. There were no classes held and they got to enjoy the outside air and get a lot of exercise.

The reason? A celebration of World Food Day, a field day and teacher appreciation were all wrapped up in one big day of events held on campus on October 16. It included a walk/march around Rita and other games and activities, as well as a big cake.

The best part was that they didn’t have to wear their school uniforms. The students were in- stead asked to wear t-shirts in the color of their teams for the field day.


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