Journal 1/31/1984
P1 Alele set to record Marshallese stories Alele Museum Curator Jerry Knight returned to Majuro last week after attending a seven-week training session in Hawaii on how to make video cassette recordings and audio recording of Marshallese stories and legends. Knight will be looking to hire an assistant to help identify sources of stories in the outer islands.
P4 A no-collar collar A funny thing happened to a local guy this past week down at Nitijela. Seems he went to deliver some papers to Cabinet but was stopped by a policeman before he was able to enter the building. “Hey, that shirt you have on is no good to wear here, you must wear a shirt with a collar.” The local guy in question was wearing the usual long pants required to gain entrance, and wasn’t aware that a special kind of shirt was required too. Anyway, maybe the policeman wouldn’t have noticed the collarless shirt so much if it wasn’t for the writing on it which said, “You do your Jab, and we’ll do our job $$ — MIATLP.” Someone will have to try to get past the policeman with a regular t-shirt with no writing on it to determine if it is political messages that are not acceptable or just collarless shirts. All of which brings up another question: Suppose the local guy was wearing a flag of the Marshalls? Would the policeman have the right to say that the flag is not suitable to be shown around the Nitijela? Oh, oh. Big problem could come outta this one.
Journal 2/2/1996
P1 Galvanized for market economy Continuing a series of break-neck economically focused developments in the RMI, the Bank of Hwaii Wednesday hosted an extremely well-attended presentation of its first-ever economic report on the Marshall Islands. Present for the tastefully informal presentation by Dr. Wali Osman, Vice President and Regional Economist for the bank, was President Amata Kabua, a group of Cabinet members and high government officials, and a large representation of the Majuro private business community. After informing the gathered gentry that the real reason for the confab was to call in all loans, Bank of Hawaii branch manager Bill Waldron turned over the floor to President Kabua. The President indicated appreciation for the sincere interest Bank of Hawaii has evidenced in the area, and acknowledged that the bank’s economic report could serve as a promotional and marketing instrument to foster foreign investment.
P12 Which one? The Mayor or the Mayors? When you call Irooj Mike Kabua mayor from now on, you’ll have to be more specific. He might just look at you and say, “which one?” The reason is simple: Mike has been chosen mayor of two local councils in the outer islands, a first for anyone in the history of these far-flung atolls. As of last week, he is officially known as “Mr. Mayors,” and if you happen to have a particular concern regarding either Lae Atoll or Ujae Atoll, he is the guys to see.
Journal 2/2/2007
P3 Loining plant aims for 650 workers Majuro’s tuna loining plant will reopen in August under the management of RMI Pan-Pacific Inc., which last week launched major construction at the Delap facility. The former PMOP plant is being torn down, except for its foundation and underground water storage tank, as are the former Public Works and Public Service Commission buildings so that the plant can be greatly expanded.
P31 Assumption second quarter honor roll 12th grade: Mei Ping Huang, Cody Jack, Ethel Briand, AiRong Lee, Yoshiko Yamaguchi, Alexander Stanley, Danity Laukon, Wallie Samuel, Winder Loak and Alexander Tibon.