Miss Marshall Islands (MMI) 2022 organizers engaged with local leadership and island committee representatives of upcoming MMI contestants last Thursday at the International Conference Center.
The timeline, rules, regulations and expectations of the two-week pageant were shared during the forum.
It was announced that Philippine-based media company CSI will be in charge of MMI production. CSI services includes stage production and pageant tutorials for participants.
How each contestants will be scored and in which categories was also discussed.
Miss Ebon Committee member and Mayor Marie Davis inquired whether the Office of Commerce and Investment (OCIT) should strategize a back up education plan for the candidates since some of the out of state contestants are college-aged students who will leave school to represent their respective atolls.
Mayor Davis also suggested whether MMI committee has considered delaying the pageant given opening day falls on the same day RMI plans to open borders.
“The topic of delaying the pageant has been discussed with MMI Committee,” OCIT Tourism Manager Brenda Alik responded. “This is our chance to come out and participate without masks before the border opens.”
The first ever to be crowned MMI Billma Peter appeared on Zoom and offered words of advise and congratulations to this year’s contestants. Billma is slated to arrive in Majuro prior to the pageant to officially pass on the crown to the next MMI.
Several changes and upgrades were shared during the meeting, like the possibility of visiting an outer island via Air Marshall Islands, where participants would travel with a photographer and promote the designated island. Angeline Heine said event information will be updated in the coming days.
The Marshall Islands is the second country in the region to resume its pageant, following Samoa, which launched its Miss Samoa pageant recently.
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