Journal 1/24/1984
P1 Money to celebrate Compact returned Money set aside to celebrate the passing of the Compact is being returned to Nitijela by representatives of three islands in the Marshalls: Kwajalein, Jaluit and Bikini. Kwajalein Senator Ataji Balos said the money could be used for other more needed purposes, such as medical referrals, or by the Kwajalein mority group TenTen if they so choose since they supported the Compact. Jaluit Senator Carl Heine said since many of the people of Jaliut were against the Compact they were returning then money to the government unused.
P6 New Year’s Fun Run winners announced Men 23+: First Joe Lehman (17:50), second John Ravelli (17:56), third Gordon Armstrong (18:08). Women 23+: Kathy Burrows (20:55), second Anne Lundquist (26:45), third Carolyn Rolan (26:45). Teens 13-15: Frist Arzfin Shima (23:02), second Ken Kramer (29:32). Girls 1-12: First Rose Murphy (29:05), second Amanda Barker (29:08), third Deb Kramer (29:09), fourth Bina Milne (32:03). Boys 1-12: First Mike Watley (25:41), second Damien Heine (25:45), third Robert Pinho (26.13), fourth Benji Graham (27:33).
Journal 1/26/1996
P1 Chamber Task Force meets with President A special task force of the Majuro Chamber of Commerce met Monday with President Amata Kabua to air concerns and express a willingness to become more directly involved in government efforts to mitigate effects of anticipation economic difficulties. The task force, headed by Grant Labaun of G&L Enterprises, included members Kevin Hart, Marshalls Marine; Patrick Chen, Bank of Marshall Islands; Billy Roberts, Marshalls Energy Company; Joe Murphy, Micronitor Printing; and Dan Muno, Micronesian Sales Company.
P3 Airport land payments questioned An expired lease for land upon which Majuro’s international airport was built was the subject of Nitijela discussion Thursday last week. Advancing the question was Senator Tony deBrum who said that despite six months of notification on the matter, no new lease arrangement has been finalized.
P8 Banny new RMI ambassador to US Banny deBrum has been accepted as the RMI Ambassador to the United Sates by Nitijela adoption of a resolution confirming the appointment. DeBrum replaces Majuro Senator Wilfred Kendall, who resigned the ambassadorial post in Washington to run for Nitijela.
P15 Majuro Mayor with pickups The Majuro Atoll Local government gave the seven local elementary schools transportation. The final three were delivered this week. “These pickups are to help Woja, Ajeltake and Laura students, teachers and staff with transportation to and from school,” said Majuro Mayor Amatlain Kabua.
P21 Nitijela considers its own cuts Several measures have been advanced in Nitijela in recent weeks aimed at cutting back income for members. The measures, which necessarily must be in the form of a bill not a resolution, have addressed revamping the members’ pension plan and also cutting session allowance by as much as 50 percent.
Journal 1/26/2007
P1 Tony Takes Kwaj shot The big news on the political front is Tony deBrum’s possible political re-entry through a special Nitijela election for Kwajalein next month. DeBrum, who has spent much of the past two years as a long-distance a advisor to Kwajalein leaders from his Missouri home, is one of seven candidates who’ve tossed their hats in the ring for the February 20 special election to fill the seat vacated by the late Senator Justin deBrum.