More Asians apply for RMI visa

Front pages from 1986, 1998 and 2009.

Journal 9/12/1986

P1 Cousteau to study Bikini and Enewetak Famed explorer and oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau is coming to the Marshall Islands to study the impact of atomic bomb testing at Bikini and Enewetak atolls. As part of the second leg of a five-year study expedition aboard his 141-foot ship Calypso, Cousteau will travel to the Marshalls and across the Pacific to study water management in China, farming techniques in Indonesia and the Tasmanian platypus.

P3 New school for Rita Contracts were signed and the go-ahead was given for PII to start constructing the eight classroom $438,000 new Rita Elementary School. PII’s Jerry Kramer, RES Principal Timius Anien, Minister of Education Phillip Muller and Assistant Attorney General John Howard were all on hand for the contract signing at the Cabinet building.

P9 New edition of ‘Man This Reef’ out this month A testimony to the success of the first book entirely written, typeset and printed in the Marshall Islands is in its second printing in Majuro this month. Man This Reef is a collection of fascinating stories and legends about the Marshall Islands as told to author Jerry Knight by Marshallese story tellers. Most of the stories came from an older Rongelap man named La Bedbedin (which literally translates as “Man This Reef”). Knight lived on Rongelap for four years between 1973 and 1976 living with and listening to the Marshallese storyteller. Knight is now curator of Alele Museum.

Journal 9/11/1998

P1 And they can fish too… The Saipan Deloitte and Touche team showed that they can do more than audit books by winning the sixth annual Mobil All-Micronesia Fishing Tournament in Majuro last week. They caught the biggest marlin at 179 pounds. On the team were Jackie Jacob, Chris Wolseley, Freddy Chong Gum, and Mike Barto. Miss All-Mike Leiana Pinho welcomed them for the weigh in.

Journal 9/11/2009

P1 PII out of the inn After five years of managing the government’s Marshall Islands Resort, Pacific International Inc. has “retired.” PII CEO Jerry Kramer told the Journal that effective the first of September, PII terminated its involvement with the RMI government for managing the Resort. MIR will continue to be managed by General Manager of long standing Bill Weza.

P3 More Asians apply for RMI citizenship The number of citizenship cases in the High Court is increasing rapidly. Court records show that the number of applications to obtain citizenship jumped about 70 percent in the first eight months this year compared to all of 2008. For more than two-and-a-half-years from January 2007 through August this year, 91 people have applied for RMI citizenship through the High Court. Virtually no one has been rejected. To date, 50 people have become naturalized citizens receiving their passports, while only two have been rejected.

P18 Swordsmanship From 10:30am on day one of fishing in the 17tyh Annual Budweiser All-Micronesia Fishing Tournament, Gary Sword had a huge smile plastered on his face. And it just got bigger as the weekend went by. Team Saipan was the first to weigh in a fish on Saturday morning…and at 552 pounds, it turned out to the the tournament’s biggest marlin. The Saipan crew was captained by Sword with teammates Minister Jack Ading and Jon Deloso.

P32 Refreshing news from AMI With Air Marshall Islands resuming operations after months of equipment problems, a refreshing breath of appreciation is noted in comments around town about the service. The new flight capability is also generating a bit of activity on the outer islands.


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