New fishing base opened

Journal 4/4/1986
P3 Gateway to be finished by year’s end An elevator in Majuro in 1986? Yessiree Bob and it will take you to the third floor of the Eastern Gateway Hotel. Nauru representative John Willis said his goal is to get the hotel done by year’s end and it looks like he might just do it. Construction workers are putting in 12-hours a daylin hopes of completing the 60 rooms by Christmas. A floating bar, two restaurants, cocktail lounges, office space and the Bank of Nauru will be in the beautiful structure.

P18 Fishing base grand opening The new Majuro Fishing Base is nearly completed and will be done this weekend in time for the scheduled grand opening on April 11.

Journal 4/3/1998
P1 Loan looms large
Nearly $60 million in loans are coming from the Asian Development Bank in current or planned projects. Four ongoing ADB loans: basic education development, $8 million; health/population, $7.1 million; Majuro water and sanitation, $9.8 million; and public sector reform program, $5.5 million. Two loans are planned for 1999: Micro finance and small enterprise development, $6 million, and transportation, $8 million.

P11 Canoe building: Living archive The tall, thatched roof building going up between the Outrigger and the Ministry of Education is only the first of what will eventually be a canoe building and training center for the Marshall Islands. Once the current building is completed, the second phase training center will get underway, according to Youth too Youth in Health/Waan Aelon Kein project manager Alson Kelen. Previously, the “project focused on documentation of outrigger canoe designs and included training for youth as part of the work,” Kelen said. “Now, the focus is on training.”

P15 State of drought emergency now official Chief Secretary Phillip Kabua signed necessary documents while RMI Public Assistance Office Andrew Bilimon and FEMA Area Director William Carwile looked on earlier this week. The papers make it official that both the US and Marshall Islands have declared this country eligible for FEMA disaster relief funds.

P24 Not nice Rita residents say that gangs of youth regularly throw rocks at homes, passing cars and pedestrians who have the courage to brave the streets after dark.

Journal 4/3/2009
P4 Rejected postal votes opened by the court
Sixteen months after the 2007 national election, a court battle over rejected postal ballots is heating up in the High Court. Last week, under order by High Court Chief Justice Carl Ingram, Attorney General Tion Nabau and private attorney David Strauss opened ballot boxes containing 136 rejected postal votes from the November 2007 vote.

P8 Student nutrition study A full-scale nutrition assessment of students in virtually all Majuro public and private schools is set to happen shortly. The study will follow the results of a pilot student survey conducted in 2006 by Ministry of Health’s Ione deBrum and consultant Ben Graham that showed there were significant differences in weight and height of students at public and private schools in Majuro.

P30 Survey: Violence, teen births high Circulating around Majuro is a package that contains 11 crisp pages highlighted both sides in the cheerful colors of the rainbow. Look closer, however, and the pages are dripping with a collection of dark, grim facts about life in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Here’s a sample: About three in every 10 women in RMI have experienced physical violence since the age of 15; eight percent of women aged 15-29 experienced their first sexual intercourse against their will; 53 percent of people who have suffered violent treatment never told anyone.


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