A three-day Mobile Passport Services and Overseas Absentee Voter’s Registration and Status Check for Filipinos on island was conducted Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at the Robert Reimers Enterprises Hotel’s reception and Kibedrikdrik Room.
On hand for the project was Guam-based Philippines Consul General Marciano R. De Borja. Borja oversees Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, and Marshall Islands. He said the passport process takes place every year.
This year, Borja and his team of foreign affairs staff were assisted by the local Filipino Association of the Marshall Islands (FAMI) headed by President Lorena Tarroja and Dr. Alexander Pinano, who is also the Honorary Consul of the Philippines for the Marshall Islands.
There are about 1,400 Filipino residents on island, said Borja. Of these, 210 renewed their passports and 190 re-registered for absentee voting (they can only vote for the national level), and five applied for dual citizenship of the two countries. Last year, only slight more than 100 passports were renewed.
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