Journal 12/11/1987
P3 PII’s Kramer re-elected Chamber head
New officers were elected to the Marshall Islands Association of Chambers of Commerce last Thursday. Jerry Kramer of Pacific International Inc. was elected president of the Chamber. Sam Leon of Candise Rental was elected vice president, Pat Muno of the Hairport is secretary, and independent businessman Mike Case is treasurer.
P19 New Ebadon runway provides easy access
A unit of North Dakota National Guardsmen departed Fargo in 28 degree temperatures, traveled 6,000 miles, and hit the beach on a tiny coral atoll island in 88 degree temperatures and within 14 days had rebuilt a coral runway, built a dispensary and softball field, constructed church pews, school desks, reopened a road, constructed an airport shelter and built a friendship that will last a lifetime. The 28 construction engineers were involved in a community assistance project for the islands of Ebadon and Santo at Kwajalein Atoll. In addition to the end of project feast, the islanders of Ebadon also challenged the guardsmen to a three-game series of softball on the newly constructed field. “They played excellent softball,” laughed Staff Sgt. James Schenatzki. “In fact, they beat us twice and let us win once.”
Journal 12/10/1999
P3 Women’s basketball
Majuro’s version of the WNBA gets down to business this week at the ECC gym. The tournament kicks off Thursday with a game between Momotaro’s and Gibson’s. The next night it is PII v Momotaro’s. Local basketball standouts Alber Alik (Momotaro’s), Daniel Andrew (PII) and Rantly Kattil (Gibson’s) are coaching the teams. The players have been participating in a six-week basketball clinic sponsored by the Marshall Islands Basketball Federation and the Women’s Athletic Club.
P28 New ambassador
RMI United Nations Ambassador Jackeo Relang presented his diplomatic credentials to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in New York last week Thursday.
P28 Big fish
In a side-bet tournament last Saturday, Robin Reimers caught the biggest and only marlin, a 345-pounder, plus an 80-pound yellowfin tuna to win the $600 jackpot.
Journal 12/10/2010
P5 $460M to RMI since 2004
US Ambassador Martha Campbell provided a chart breaking down US funding to the Marshall Islands during last week’s Development Partners Meeting in Majuro. What is remarkable is not that the chart shows in the current fiscal year, the US government is providing $83,796,805 to the RMI government. What is remarkable is the Ambassador’s comment that this total does not reflect all US funding to the Marshall Islands — it’s actually more
because it is difficult to precisely calculate funding and technical assistance from such agencies as the US National Weather Service and the US Department of Agriculture that provide support to the RMI. The RMI’s national budget this year is $129 million, meaning the US government is providing 65 percent of the money for the RMI budget. Since the second Compact started in 2004, the US has provided over $460 million to RMI.

P23 Celebrating the gospel in RMI
Marshall Islands Protestant Church members organized a spirited lagoon flotilla to celebrate Gospel Day last Friday, starting from Ejit and motoring across to Batkan to honor the UCC’s President Rev. Jude Samson, who followed the parade progress from shore.
P28 Islands get $31K from pearl sales
Rongelap and Namdrik local governments generated a combined more than $31,000 from a pearl auction and sale last weekend. Pearls from the harvest by the two atolls were auctioned at Marshall Islands Resort Friday and put on sale at RRE’s Tide Table Saturday.